Veröffentlicht vor 7 Jahren von Nicolas Grondona Tecnico

Hi , how are you? . I have a costumer that want that a index field automatically be completed when i put a value in other . 
I already have the filter with a list of the 2 indexes and it works fine but they want to be automatically filled when you enter the data of one of the two the other in the storage view.

Is there any way to do it on that view ?. I know that with autoindex we can do it but they want it on the storage view .

Regards and thanks 

Veröffentlicht vor 7 Jahren von Phil Robson DocuWare Corporation Senior Director Professional Services, Americas

There is the Automatic Index function but that is not what you want, and it will populate all fields with the same values as the last stored document that matches the input field.
There is no other mechanism to do that in DocuWare 6.12 or earlier apart from Autoindex. However, Version 7 contains Instant AutoIndex. You can trigger Instant Autoindex when a document is stored to do what you want.


Phil Robson
Senior Director Support Americas

Veröffentlicht vor 7 Jahren von Nicolas Grondona Tecnico

Actually, that automatic Index  with the last archive will work, how can i set up it? There is an article ?

Veröffentlicht vor 7 Jahren von Phil Robson DocuWare Corporation Senior Director Professional Services, Americas

Actually there is nothing to configure. When storing a document enter one or more index values in to the fields and then either select the context menu then select Autofill Indexes, or press Control + Alt + J.
DocuWare will then find the last document stored where the index values you entered match and fill the rest of the fields with the same data.



Phil Robson
Senior Director Support Americas

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