Veröffentlicht Tue, 31 Jul 2018 17:48:29 GMT von Keenan D

Users can occupy a license indefinately by logging into to DocuWare and leaving there browser tab open, even if they remain inactive. When will there be a way to set a real inactivity?  Or perhaps the ability to prompt a user from the admmin - you've been inactive for however long, you will be logged off in 5 minutes - click here to continue - or something to that affect?  Or boot users out.  Or even email or prompt logged in users from the admin.  Anything.

We just purchased additional licenses, and this will cause us to pruchase more that we perhaps do not need.  Is this by design.  Please advise.

Veröffentlicht Tue, 31 Jul 2018 18:12:41 GMT von Phil Robson DocuWare Corporation Senior Director Professional Services, Americas

There was some discussion on this topic in this thread, including comments from the Product owner.


Phil Robson
Senior Director Support Americas

Veröffentlicht Tue, 31 Jul 2018 18:37:22 GMT von Joe Kaufman Bell Laboratories Inc No longer there

I thought new license purchases meant being forced to version 6.12 where linceses are now named instead of concurrent? Is that not the case? Are we allowed to stay in 6.11 indefinitely and buy more concurrent licenses while we do so?

Jason, I suggest you watch the license manager in the DW admin tool and watch as people time out -- even if they leave their browser windows open. No dormant web client connection will last more than 12 minutes or so (discussed on the other thread Phil links to...).



Joe Kaufman

Veröffentlicht Tue, 31 Jul 2018 18:47:15 GMT von Phil Robson DocuWare Corporation Senior Director Professional Services, Americas

The new DocuWare licensing model where we only supply named licenses does require an upgrade to version 6.12 if you wish to purchase extra licences as concurrent licenses are no longer availble.. This was announced in April of 2017 and became effective in October 2017.
So yes, you can stay on version 6.11, but you cannot increase your license unless you upgrade. However this thead was on timing out inactive users.


Phil Robson
Senior Director Support Americas



Veröffentlicht Tue, 31 Jul 2018 18:51:09 GMT von Joe Kaufman Bell Laboratories Inc No longer there


Jason states, "We just purchased additional licenses..." Unless by "just" he means a while ago, that means it is recent. When did the new licensing scheme go into effect?

If he purchased new licenses, then they would have to be switched to a named scheme, no? So inactivity would not matter because concurrency would not matter.

That's why I asked about the licensing scheme at the same time I addressed the inactivity issue.



Joe Kaufman

Veröffentlicht Tue, 31 Jul 2018 19:07:09 GMT von Phil Robson DocuWare Corporation Senior Director Professional Services, Americas

The new licensing model was effective October 2017. It is possible with the new model to convert 4 named licenses to 1 concurrent - in contrast to the old model where one concurrent can be converted to 2 named licenses. I simply took Jasons statement on face value and directed him to the conversation on timing out users.
I see where you read in to the comment he was making, and you make a fair point in why it lead you to the version discussion. :)


Phil Robson
Senior Director Support Americas


Veröffentlicht Tue, 31 Jul 2018 19:23:19 GMT von Joe Kaufman Bell Laboratories Inc No longer there


I see what you are saying, and I appreciate the clarification on new licensing!



Joe Kaufman

Veröffentlicht Wed, 01 Aug 2018 13:30:50 GMT von Keenan D

I ran the same test and this behavior does not happen for my users - on prem.  In my test I asked a user to login then minimize their browser window.  The "License in use till" marker kept adjusting, indefinately.  Is there a setting? 

Veröffentlicht Wed, 01 Aug 2018 13:30:52 GMT von Keenan D

I ran the same test and this behavior does not happen for my users - on prem.  In my test I asked a user to login then minimize their browser window.  The "License in use till" marker kept adjusting, indefinately.  Is there a setting? 

Veröffentlicht Wed, 01 Aug 2018 13:59:45 GMT von Joe Kaufman Bell Laboratories Inc No longer there


That is very odd, indeed... What modules do you have installed for DW? Either something changed from 6.11 to 6.12, or certain modules that are more dynamic (Workflow, perhaps?) keep a connection active even when a user isn't actually interacting with the page. 

We have Task Manager, and so a little number displays above the "Lists" are on the main DocuWare web client page. I was thinking that number is dynamic, meaning the page can change due to activity elsewhere. But I just tested again, this time leaving DocuWare up in th ebrowser, and my license still timed out after 12 minutes. 

BUT, the number of tasks in the list did not change during that time. Do you have something like Workflow, and is it active enough that little numeric indicators for tasks/lists are increasing? To put it another way, does every single thing on the page look the same as when you minimized it?

This is totally all just a shot in the dark... I do not know why your licenses would not be timing out the same way as they do for me. I hope Phil has some insights. If we every had licenses stay stuck, we would be in trouble as well, as I keep our number of licenses pretty tight (just 20 concurrent).



Joe Kaufman

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