Veröffentlicht Mon, 02 Apr 2018 17:46:55 GMT von Robert Oswald CIO


Is it possible to end a workflow when an autoindex workflow changes a document's field?

For example, I've got a Resume Processing worflow that sends resmumes to hiring mangers for review. What I'd like to know, is if there is a way to end the Resume Processing workflow instance for resumes still under consideration once another person has been selected for the position?

To be even more specific, resumes have a position request ID field and a position request status field. I have an autoindex worflow that will update the position request status to "Filled" for all resumes with the same position request ID field once someone has been hired. Is there a way to end the Resume Processing workflow for all currently active resumes when the position request status changes to "Filled"?


Veröffentlicht Mon, 09 Apr 2018 12:04:06 GMT von Casey Miller Director of Technical Services

If you are using workflow manager, you cannot leave a task without a user interaction. I have submitted a feature request on this a while back..

Veröffentlicht Mon, 09 Apr 2018 13:56:15 GMT von Matthew Trembly Software Support Manager

Casey, do you have the URL for this feature request?  I will vote for it.

Veröffentlicht Tue, 10 Apr 2018 10:38:00 GMT von

Hi Robert

hi Matthew,

hi Casey,


i do this things with the "time exceeded" function and reassignment.

Here u can do a check on the field from autoindex, when done end the workflow, if not then asign it again to a user?

This is a possible way for things like that, or?

Veröffentlicht Tue, 10 Apr 2018 12:50:05 GMT von Casey Miller Director of Technical Services

Yes, that could possibly work. Just set the Reassign ever 1 day. Then do a get data module and check the information that is changing with an if else module. If it doesn't equal what you are looking for just loop it back to the original task. If it does equal then just point it to the end task.

Nice solution, Martin.

Veröffentlicht Tue, 17 Apr 2018 16:17:55 GMT von Robert Oswald CIO

I'd like to vote for that feature too.

Veröffentlicht Tue, 17 Apr 2018 17:47:16 GMT von Robert Oswald CIO

Thank you all for your help!

 I tested it out, and it works. I've attached the diagram of my workflow. The one odd thing I had to do was to assign the timeout task to someone and then redirect the workflow back to the decision maker if the auto-exit condition wasn't met. Perhaps, there's a better way, but this does the trick.

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