A document outside of DocuWare should be made the current version of a file which is already stored in a DocuWare File Cabinet.
We currently recommend the following workaround in this situation (Requirement is activated Version management in the File Cabinet):
  1. Right-click on the document stored in a DocuWare File Cabinet "check-out > into the file system"
  2. The file now appears in the download folder on window level with a randomly generated code in front of the file name
  3. This new file name including the random code must now be used for the new file (rename with copy & paste)
  4. The renamed new file can then be imported into the Document Tray via Drag & Drop or Import button
  5. Right-click on the file in the Document Tray and select "Check-in" including the new version number
  6. The file you have just checked in is now the current version of the PDF file in DocuWare