Posted Mon, 04 Feb 2019 07:30:40 GMT by Chema Lopez Developer


I am trying to replace a document using REST API but I have not been successful.

These are the steps:

1. Download an existing document of the FileCabinet.

2. Make some changes to the downloaded file, i.e. sign it with a certificate.

3. Upload the changed document and replace the original one.

I use the POST call with the multipart/form-data option to do the third step but with no success.

I hope someone can help.


Posted Mon, 04 Feb 2019 13:14:08 GMT by Joe Kaufman Bell Laboratories Inc No longer there


I have never edited a document and then tried to put it back in DocuWare, but this is an example of doing it in .NET:

Are you using .NET or straight HTTP calls? What version of DocuWare? Cloud or on-premise?

One thing I notice is that editing operations involves downloading the content of a document (as "Sections"), which appears to be different from downloading the whole document. It is also an asynchronous process.

I am not sure what the .NET calls translate to in terms of the URLs to use... Looking at Fiddler as I edit a document, it looks like one of the relevant resources is:


Like I said, Sections vs Documents -- not totally sure what the difference is, though.


Good luck,

Joe Kaufman

Posted Mon, 04 Feb 2019 14:33:51 GMT by Chema Lopez Developer

I finally was able to replace the document using another REST function.

I have not been able to do so with a HTTP POST:


Instead, I have had to use the Section URL:



Posted Mon, 04 Feb 2019 14:36:08 GMT by Chema Lopez Developer

Thank you Joe.

I am using Java and Spring to integrate some applications with DocuWare. I finally was able to do it the way you say.


Posted Mon, 04 Feb 2019 17:14:08 GMT by Joe Kaufman Bell Laboratories Inc No longer there

Really just a shot in the dark, but glad the clue about Sections helped. Now I will just have to remember that if and when I try to do integrations involving document editing...  *smile*




Posted Tue, 05 Feb 2019 13:02:27 GMT by BONNEAU Stephane CEO

Hi chema,

I 'm also developping with the rest paltform of Docuware 7.

For replacing a document stored ,

i look for the section id of the document by invoking this uri below and parse the slink with releivant section id ...


after that , i invoke this Uri :

Platform/FileCabinets/{id}/Sections/{id}/Data?documentInfoInFileName=0 and load my file in binary mode

Don't forget to precise the the header of your request

Hope this help you ..



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