Posted Tue, 07 Sep 2021 12:41:26 GMT by Rhys Woolley Software Developer
I have a workflow which collects several dates from a Docuware Form and includes them on an email sent on Outlook. The date on the email ignores the 0s and is displayed in an American format. It is displayed as month/day/year. I have made sure the date settings in my Docuware's Profile and Settings is set to the UK format and the index entries in the file cabinet are showing the correct format. The Assign Data activity within the workflow seems to be collecting and storing the dates correctly in the respective variables. It just seems to be the email which is displaying the date incorrectly, which may cause some confusion.
Posted Tue, 07 Sep 2021 13:46:31 GMT by Tobias Getz DocuWare GmbH Team Leader Product Management
Hi Rhys Wooley,

I assume, you are experiencing this with DocuWare Cloud and not with an on premises installation?
We are currently working on this topic to display the date format of the organization regional format.

Tobias Getz
Posted Tue, 07 Sep 2021 13:49:00 GMT by Rhys Woolley Software Developer
Hi Tobias, 

So this isn't a configuration issue unique to me?
Posted Tue, 07 Sep 2021 13:51:47 GMT by Tobias Getz DocuWare GmbH Team Leader Product Management
Hi Rhys Wooley,

no, this is currently not configurable.
Posted Tue, 07 Sep 2021 13:54:28 GMT by Rhys Woolley Software Developer
Ok, thanks for the notice. 

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