Posted Wed, 27 Jun 2018 11:57:04 GMT by Seth Jaco Support Specialist

We have a client who is asking about using some software called Beachhead Solutions PC encryption. They were wondering if this could be applied to the DocuWare server or if it would cause any issues. Here is a link to the software page

Posted Wed, 27 Jun 2018 12:25:09 GMT by Phil Robson DocuWare Corporation Senior Director Professional Services, Americas

Wer have no information what-so-ever on this product. I suggest that BeachHead are the ones to indicate how well their software runs with a server based operating system. What type of encryption are they planning to use? Disk? File? Any layer placed between DocuWare and the file system could introduce performance issues. Anyway as I said, we know nothing of it so I suggest you talk to the vendor of the product.
If they wish to supply us with a working copy of the software we can certainly look to test it.


Phil Robson
Senior Director Support Americas

Posted Wed, 27 Jun 2018 12:25:13 GMT by Phil Robson DocuWare Corporation Senior Director Professional Services, Americas

Wer have no information what-so-ever on this product. I suggest that BeachHead are the ones to indicate how well their software runs with a server based operating system. What type of encryption are they planning to use? Disk? File? Any layer placed between DocuWare and the file system could introduce performance issues. Anyway as I said, we know nothing of it so I suggest you talk to the vendor of the product.
If they wish to supply us with a working copy of the software we can certainly look to test it.


Phil Robson
Senior Director Support Americas

Posted Wed, 27 Jun 2018 12:42:22 GMT by Seth Jaco Support Specialist

Thank you for the information, I will let the client know.

Posted Thu, 28 Jun 2018 13:49:21 GMT by Craig Williams President/ CEO

I have a number of clients which are CJIS (Criminal Justice Information Service) compliant and practice encryption in place. You can do this commonly without impact to Docuware as the encryption normally does not effect performance or connectivity.  The userse see everything in place as if it were just common storage.  The idea is if someone attacked from outside the system or gained access to the actual hardware the physical data on the drives would be encrypted and unusable. If someone stole the hard drive the data would be worthless.

Also you have to worry about the data in do not want to enrcypt SQL storage directly but you need proection.  You do not want someone copying the entire database mdb files and be able to read them....Microsoft has an encryption in place tool for SQL.  We have a number of users taking this approach and I have not seem any impact with MS SQL's implementation.  Long sotry short is test it test it test it. I would guess that it will work but....some methods expecially those that rely on the clound may have serious vulnerablilties.....what if the cloud is not available etc...

Encryption in place is a good pracice for Goverment, Healthcare and personel. 

A good practice for everyone to understand better because there is a day when a client will ask for it.


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