Posted Thu, 09 May 2019 15:52:34 GMT by Carol Bernard Applications Specialist
(DocuWare 6.10)

I have a field that contains concatenated information, specifically first and last name in one field. I would have created a field for each and would like to move the first names to the new first name field, last name to the last name field.

It looks like I should be able to do that with an Autoindex Workflow. Is that correct? Searches in the Knowledgebase just spin...No results, so I do not know if there is any instructions there.

Posted Mon, 13 May 2019 15:24:32 GMT by Phil Robson DocuWare Corporation Senior Director Professional Services, Americas

Autoindex will not split the contents of a field as you require. After creating the First and Last Name fields you will need to have the contents of the concatenated field split and added to the new fields using a database level query.
This can be done by DocuWare Professional Services for you.


Phil Robson

Senior Director Support Americas

Posted Mon, 13 May 2019 20:09:16 GMT by Josef Zayats
here is a direction you should be going in:
in your AI job for External Data Source use "SQL statement"- Content Database Connection, and the following statement (make adjustments if your FullName column is in format other than "FirstName LastName":

select FullName, substring(FullName,1, charindex(' ',FullName,1)-1) AS fname, substring(FullName,charindex(' ',FullName,1)+1,100) AS lname from filecabinetname

do a match on FulName=external Field FullName and assign your two new columns with values of fname and lname
Hope this helps.


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