Posted Fri, 18 Jan 2019 20:05:44 GMT by Ron VandenLangenBerg Applications Developer

My users have run into the following problem:

We routinely highlight text on documents in the Document Viewer to populate the index fields when importing and storing documents. The information in these fields that are entered in this manner appears correctly without any extra spaces, but occasionally, Docuware fails to find documents on searches using specific fields. Editing these index fields and typing in the information corrects the problem.

Has anyone else run into a problem like this.  I tried searching the forums, but didn't find anything that matched this problem.  We have an onsite installation and are on Version 6.11

Thanks, Ron

Posted Sat, 19 Jan 2019 16:27:04 GMT by Josef Zayats


I have seen exactly the same issue. It turned out to be that a dash (or minus sign) character - ASCII code 0x2D, was recognized as character that looks exactly the same, but has a hex  value of 0x1020 -from a different language code page. Causing searches not finding these entries.

We could not find the root of the problem, so we just opted for a sql script that replaces 0x1020 character with 0x2D in all index entries where it finds it.

Posted Sat, 19 Jan 2019 17:48:56 GMT by Joe Kaufman Bell Laboratories Inc No longer there


Let's try to check the fields next time before they get re-written as properly indexed text. We can grab the text from SQL Server then analyze it character by character in Foxpro to see what the ASCII values are.

If we decide we need to write a scrubber routine we can do that as an automated task...



Joe Kaufman

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