Posted Thu, 19 Sep 2019 07:05:20 GMT by Ronald Siegel

Does anybody know a way to count all documents in one archive?
The maximum number of search results is restricted to 11.000 but we have around 100.000+ documents in our database.
The administration only shows the used memory size of the archive...

Best regards,
R. Siegel
Posted Thu, 19 Sep 2019 12:51:07 GMT by Joe Kaufman Bell Laboratories Inc No longer there

By "archive" I assume you mean file cabinet? 

I am not seeing a way to get the number back from any tool or even the Platform SDK. Everything is paged and asynchronous, topping out at whatever limit is set for searches.

However, if you are on-premise then you can access the database directly to get the number of documents in a cabinet. Are you on-premise? And what version of DW?

Finally, if you have access to the server data storage area, you can simply check the properties of the folder containing the documents for the cabinet. Of course, that would require an on-premise situation as well.

It would be great to have a way to know the total number when a system is in the cloud...

Joe Kaufman
Posted Thu, 19 Sep 2019 16:47:46 GMT by Craig Heintz SE
It depends on the version of DocuWare you have.  I believe in version 6.10 and older you can go to the Admin tool right click a file cabinet and select the full text menu item and it will show you a count.

On newer version you can do a SQL query for the number of rows in each cabinets root SQL table.
Posted Thu, 19 Sep 2019 17:06:20 GMT by Joe Kaufman Bell Laboratories Inc No longer there
Craig, good info! I thought it only showed # of documents if full-text was turned on for the cabinet, but it shows for any cabinet (and I confirmed this still works in 6.11).

The SQL query will only work on-premise, correct? Or is there another spot to do free-text SQL querying on the data (that exists in the cloud version)?

Joe Kaufman
Posted Thu, 19 Sep 2019 18:13:53 GMT by Phil Robson DocuWare Corporation Senior Director Professional Services, Americas
With DocuWare 7.x you can simply do a global search in the web client - that is no search criteria, just bring up a search dialog and hit Search. The search will return all rows in the database.
The number is at the bottom right hand side of the Result list.

Example for the first page:
1-100 of 156,999

This works for both On-Premise and Cloud.

Phil Robson
Senior Director Client Services, Americas
Posted Fri, 20 Sep 2019 09:49:19 GMT by Ronald Siegel

Thank you for answers!

Our own system is on-premise and the SQL query is working just fine.
But our clients have also cloud versions in use and it would be great to have an in-built way to get this information.

@Phil Robson:
What is the maximum amount of documents shown in the search results?
Does this need to be configured individually for each system?

Greetings from Germany,

Posted Fri, 20 Sep 2019 12:10:35 GMT by Phil Robson DocuWare Corporation Senior Director Professional Services, Americas
There is no maximum anymore with version 7 and above. The Results will always return every document found in the search. So, if your search returns 200,000 hits then that will be the number shown at the foot of the page, and you can scroll through the 2000 pages of results if you have time!
This is why I said that if you do a search with no parameters then every row in the database will be returned giving you the number of documents in the file cabinet.

Phil Robson
Senior Director Client Services, Americas
Posted Wed, 25 Jan 2023 00:58:12 GMT by Daryl Foxhoven
This doesn't seem to be the case in 7.7 Cloud as when I do a search, it just shows 10k+ and I can't even go to just the last page to see total as it forces me to go from 100 to 101, 102, 103, 104, etc..

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