Posted Wed, 12 Dec 2018 17:24:33 GMT by David Miguel Trujillo

Hi all,

Do you know if there is any way to recognize different types of documents when I print a batch of different types of documents through Docuware Printer?

I have a file with different types of documents and I would like it to be recognized and indexed depending on the type of document.

I have the different configurations made in Docuware Printer for the recognition of each type of document, but when I print the document with all types of documents, it sends me the message "More than one configuration has been found" and leaves the document in the tray of the user,

Thank you very much and regards, David.

Posted Wed, 12 Dec 2018 19:30:44 GMT by Phil Robson DocuWare Corporation Senior Director Professional Services, Americas

That message means that it has found more than one configuration that matches the document and it does not know which one to use.
What criteria are you using for the recognition of each document type?
And, what version of DocuWare?


Phil Robson
Senior Director Support Americas

Posted Fri, 14 Dec 2018 12:31:09 GMT by David Miguel Trujillo

Hi Phil thanks for the answer, it's true, I realised i used the same criteria for different kind of documents, I changed it and now it splits all the documents, but it doesn't index any of them, just store documents in DW but with any index, I tested the configuration with just one document and it indexes right, what can be happening, 

Thanks for your help, David

Posted Fri, 14 Dec 2018 13:03:04 GMT by Phil Robson DocuWare Corporation Senior Director Professional Services, Americas

I think Support nees to have a look at the configurations. Would you mind opening a support request so that we can invesitigate further?


Phil Robson
Senior Director Support Americas

Posted Fri, 14 Dec 2018 13:22:11 GMT by David Miguel Trujillo

Ok thanks Phil, I'll do, 

Best regards, David.

Posted Fri, 14 Dec 2018 13:29:08 GMT by Josef Zayats


Reading your comments, it looks like you are expecting Docuware Printer to separate documetns first and then identify each of them for correct configuration and then Index each document per individually detected configuration.

Unfortunately, it's not how it works. Docuware Printer identifies configuration first, one per the whole print job - then separates and indexes all documents based on that single initially identified configuration, so you really can't print a collection of different document types as a single printjob.

Posted Fri, 14 Dec 2018 13:50:28 GMT by Joe Kaufman Bell Laboratories Inc No longer there


I was also thinking this was like scan configs, where we were part of a lengthy thread on that in March of 2017 (wow, time flies!):

(And yes, it still stinks that identifying isn't performed on every page, because I see no downside to it and Fortis had the capability.)

But then I thought this should be different from scanner-based configurations, because isn't each document sent as its own print job? That would mean documents are inherently separate and should identify individually. If a bunch of documents are printed as one "batch" job then identification would fail for all documents except the first one found to match a config, but a single document per print job should work.

David, are you sending documents to the DW printer one by one, or as some sort of batch job? You say you "print a batch of different types", but I am not sure how that works. Are you saying you consolidate a bunch of different documents into a single PDF and then send it to the DW printer? Perhaps I am just clueless as to how the DW Printer batches things up -- I assume it is a separate document per print job, queued up like any Windows printer would.

Joe Kaufman

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