Posted Fri, 07 Dec 2018 16:29:06 GMT by Bernie Svitko

I have 2 separate Databases. One is for Invoices and one is for Checks. One of the Index values for Invoices is Check Number (it is set as numeric), which remains empty until a check is cut. There is also an Index value for Invoice number which is filled in by AP as part of their approval process. For the Checks Database there is an Index value for Check number which is filled in when AP cuts the check and an Index value for Invoice number which is set as a keyword, since some checks AP cuts are combined for more than one Invoice.

My Problem is once the Check number and the Invoice number or numbers are entered into the Check DB, is how to get DW to copy that check number into the Check number Index value of the indicated Invoice or Invoices that are in the Invoice DB.

Posted Fri, 07 Dec 2018 16:36:05 GMT by Phil Robson DocuWare Corporation Senior Director Professional Services, Americas

When you sat database, I assume that you mean file cabinets. Since you have the invoice number and check field number in both file cabinets, After the Check is cut and the Check number field is populated, you can run an AutoIndex workflow to select from the Invoice file cabinet where the Check Number is empty, and match it on the Check file cabinet. When the invoice number is found in the check cabinet, the check number can be written to the invoice file cabinet.
With DocuWare 7 it is also possible to use Instant Autoindex, where immediately the Check number is filled in the check number can be transferred to the Invoice file cabinet.


Phil Robson
Senior Director Support Americas

Posted Fri, 07 Dec 2018 19:35:00 GMT by Bernie Svitko

Yes I should have said file cabinet. That sounds like an addon we don't have. Any other suggestions. This was something we were able to do in Fortis.

Posted Fri, 07 Dec 2018 19:48:49 GMT by Phil Robson DocuWare Corporation Senior Director Professional Services, Americas

Autoindex is the only DocuWare module that can be automated to do what you want. You could use the Platform API if you have the required programming skills available to you. Any other method would be outside of DocuWare and not recommended or supported.


Phil Robson
Senior Director Support Americas

Posted Fri, 07 Dec 2018 19:59:47 GMT by Joe Kaufman Bell Laboratories Inc No longer there


This is exactly the way we had things set up in Fortis as well (index-wise), and we made links so that when viewing an invoice you could then bring up the check that paid it, and vice versa. Sometimes one check might pay dozens of invoices.

We had a VERY elaborate query in Fortis to link AP Invoices and Checks on invoice numbers. The query was too complex for DocuWare to handle (it does not do nested parens, etc. very well). So we did what you are describing, back-filling the check number to the invoices when the checks are cut and stored into DocuWare later on.

Are you on-premise? SQL Server? What I did is write an automated program that runs periodically and does that exact thing, back-filling chek number to the invoice. I even have Foxpro code I could provide as a sample. If you are on-premise and feel comfortable with doing SQL Server queries and then using the Platform SDK to set the check number index on invoices, it could work.

Otherwise, this issue is exactly what an Autoindex Workflow is meant to help with. It might be a module worth considering.

I am curious -- are you saying you had this automated in Fortis? What did that look like? We did not do that, we just matched on invoice number. By the way, that is another option here -- depending on how many invoices your checks might pay, you could store all those invoice numbers on the Check record, yes? That would still make searches and linking difficult, but I am not sure how you were doing the back-fill in Fortis... I never ran across any sort of auto-indexing feature in Fortis.

Joe Kaufman

Posted Tue, 11 Dec 2018 13:16:10 GMT by Bernie Svitko

Thanks for your input Phil.


Joe, Our Fortis was set up before I got involved with it. Don't know how it was set up. We are on premise with DW. We are using MS SQL 2012 and are planning to upgrade to 2016 very soon. But with everything else with Fortis and DW, You usually find a work around that will work for us.

Posted Tue, 11 Dec 2018 13:23:28 GMT by Joe Kaufman Bell Laboratories Inc No longer there


Yeah, we have been able to get things working the way we need, and DocuWare has a lot of advantages over Fortis when it comes to the basics, like searching.

Just FYI, we recently upgraded to SQL Server 2016 and it went without a hitch just using the basic installer wizard. No issues. We have about 800,000 documents covering 650 GB, and the dwdata database is around 20 GB in size. Hopefully your upgrade goes as smoothly!



Joe Kaufman

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