Posted Fri, 07 Jun 2019 12:59:15 GMT by Steve Shriver Application Specialist
An email task in a workflow (DW Cloud v7) is configured to attach the document. This task is near the end of the workflow and used as a notification. The document that is attached, when opened in the resulting email, appears to be the original version stored in that none of the stamps and info applied during the workflow are visible. Is there a setting that will change this behaviour so that the document attached will be 'with annotations'. I did not see any mention of this in the 'What's new in 7.1' documentation.
Posted Mon, 10 Jun 2019 13:31:38 GMT by Casey Miller Director of Technical Services
There isn't I brought this up a couple years ago and was told it is by design... Can't believe they haven't fixed this, though. 
Posted Wed, 12 Jun 2019 20:58:08 GMT by Matthew Trembly Software Support Manager
Indeed, it's maddening.  As a workaround, I use URL integration in the workflow email notification instead of attaching the document.  I clean it up for a simple "Click here" with HTML href.
Posted Mon, 24 Jun 2019 13:07:54 GMT by Jean Wochner Pre Sale Specialist

We just had the same issue at a customer site. There is a workaround (It is far from perfect, but is working).

With the "Merge Layers" all stamps and annotations is merged to the document.
The icon is tree bars with an down arrow and a larger black bar in the bottom.
Posted Mon, 24 Jun 2019 16:27:40 GMT by Matthew Trembly Software Support Manager
The "Merge Layers" feature only works for file cabinet records for which the original file type is PDF.

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