You've recently made changes to your DocuWare licensing, such as added modules, company name change or system administrator change and need to have these changes reflected in DocuWare.
NOTE: This example is for MySQL, MSSQL is similar. Users utilizing an Oracle database need to have their DBA perform this action.
Please refer to the following guide to apply a new license file in MYSQL:
1. Stop all DocuWare Services, except for the Database.
2. Take a backup of the DWSystem Database!
3. Open the DWSystem database and delete all entries from the following tables in this order:
delete FROM dwsystem.dwconnectionlicense
delete FROM dwsystem.dwclientlicense
delete FROM dwsystem.dwserverlicense
delete FROM dwsystem.dwlicense
4. After deleting all entries from the above tables, start the Authentication Server Service only with the database.
5. Open the Administration Tool. Under your Organization, expand the General tab, select License, right-click, select "Install New License File," and load the new license file.
6. Stop and then start all DocuWare Services.
The new changes to your license should now be reflected within DocuWare.
KBA is applicable for On-premise Organizations ONLY.