
Since upgrading to DocuWare version 7 or higher, the platform logs grow quickly with the following error:

"Cannot decrypt FormsAuthentication cookie"

DocuWare Platform tries to utilize a system module named System Security Cryptography.
It is a method/class of .NET framework, which the following Microsoft Support article goes into more detail: Understanding the Forms Authentication Ticket and Cookie

1. Check if the system is load-balanced. Cookies may be encrypted through the load balancer. This will need to be disabled as the cookies are already encrypted by default. If enabled, it will create a "double encryption" which will cause this error. This should be handled by your IT administrator or your Authorized DocuWare Provider (ADP).

2. Repair all VCRedist .exes from the DocuWare Setup Folder. Each Folder contains two .exe files for x86 and x64. You need to install and/or repair both.
   (Note: Some DocuWare versions 7.5 and above will not have VCRedist90. Please install/repair VCRedist 100-140)

Note: If the steps above do not correct the issue, it could be caused by a broken .NET installation, which is not covered under the Standard Support Contract. Please reach out to your IT administrator or your ADP for assistance.

KBA is applicable for On-premise Organizations ONLY.

Comments (1)
  • On Windows Server 2022 I fixed this messages by disabling TLS 1.3 in the IIS settings.