After upgrading your DocuWare system, the notification service does not start. The following error is found in the notification log or event viewer.
"There is more than one database connection enabled for Notification Server. This is not supported"
This occurs when more than one database connection has the option "Email notification" enabled.
You can launch the DocuWare Administration tool and check each database connection for this option. Only one of these connections should have this enabled. You can see these by clicking on the dropdown next to the "Used For" tab under the "General" section of the selected database connection.
In some instances, this checkbox is not present, but the error still occurs. The connections will have to be adjusted via the database.
***NOTE: Please take a complete Database backup before making any of the following changes.***
- The following queries will have to be executed via your database management tools. They will perform a find and replace on any extra database connections.
use dwsystem;
update dwsystemsettings
set settings = replace(cast (settings as nvarchar(max)) , 'usedForNotifications="true"' , 'usedForNotifications="false"' )
where type like '%databaseconnection%'
and cast (settings as nvarchar(max)) not like '%<Database>dwnotification</Database>%'
This is how the query looks in MSSQL:
USE dwsystem;
update dwsystemsettings
set settings = replace (settings,'usedForNotifications="true"','usedForNotifications="false"')
where type like '%databaseconnections%'
and settings not like '%<Database>dwnotification</Database>%'
This is how the query look in Mysql workbench::
- Go into task manager and select end task on your notification service.
- Your notification service should now start successfully.
KBA is applicable for On-premise Organizations ONLY.