When attempting to run DocuWare Setup, the following error appears
"The databaseType "MySQLClient" is not supported. Please use either MySQL, MSSQL, or Oracle."
Please refer to the following steps on how to alleviate this error message:
1. To better understand the error message, navigate to the Setup logs (default location is C:\ProgramData\DocuWare\SetupLogs), where we will see the error:
"<message>Unexpected error</message><exception>DocuWare.ServerConfig.DatabaseConnectionException: The databaseType "MySQLClient" is not supported. Please use either MySQL, MSSQL, or Oracle."
2. Above the error in the logs are the following error messages (shortened for ease of reading):
"<message>GUID for WF connection in dworganizationdb table: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000</message>
<message>GUID for WF connection in dwsystemsettings table: 3d495b8c-6856-4d53-90a5-3311db042874</message>
<message>Database: dwworkflowengine is found.</message>
<message>NULL or empty GUID for WF connection in dworganizationdb table.</message>
<message>WorkFlow database connection is NOT consistent.</message>
<message>Check for wrong workflow engine database connection Guid</message>"
The log information would indicate that the "workflowdbconnection" in the DWOrganizationDB table in DWSystem is set to 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 when it should be set to the same value as the "dwsystemsettings" table (This GUID is unique to your DocuWare system for), for this example is 3d495b8c-6856-4d53-90a5-3311db042874.
3. The "workflowdbconnection" in the DWOrganizationDB table needs to have the correct WF connection GUID (which we can take from the error messages above). This can be done with the following query:
(Note: Please take a database backup before updating the table)
update dworganizationdb set workflowdbconnection = 'CorrectWFdbGUID'
4. Restart DocuWare Setup to complete the setup without error.
KBA is applicable to On-premise Organizations ONLY.