How can I use workflow to automatically clip a document once stored?

Clipping stored documents to an existing document in a file cabinet is possible through the use of DocuWare Workflow. To set up a workflow that can perform this task, please refer to the following example which can be set up by doing the following; 

Before we begin to configure our workflow, please create the following Global Variables;

Text Global Variables
  • FileCabinetId
  • RemoveFile

Numeric Global Variable

  • FoundDoc
  • StoredDoc

The following screenshot shows what the completed workflow will look like. This example consists of two activities, an Assign Data and a Web Service Activity. 

  1. Create an Assign Data activity, and we'll have four assignments to make as shown in the screenshot below,
    For our Global Variable, FoundDoc, we'll use a File Cabinet lookup to find a document to which we want to clip our document. 
    In our example, we have the following WHERE clause used below that is checking for a document that is looking for a Customer ID that has 1234 and a document type of "Purchase Order"

    For this, be sure to use a global variable to have more flexibility in what you're looking for. The expected result of this lookup is to obtain a docId of a found document. This will be where we're going to clip our stored documents to.

    For the remaining global variables, 

    StoredDoc: We're getting the DocID of our stored document
    FileCabinetId: We're getting the File Cabinet Id that we stored our document into, and is where the document we want to clip to is as well.
    RemoveFile: We choose either true or false to indicate whether we want the document deleted after clipping. 

  2.  Our next step is to create the Web Service activity. In the General section, name the activity, and choose "DocuWare Platform API" from the Web Service dropdown. Lastly, choose "Put /FileCabinets/{FileCabinetId}/Operations/ProcessDocumentAction?docId={DocId}" from the Endpoint dropdown.

  3.  Finally, use the following setting shown below from the Request section of the Web Service Activity.

With the Web Service configured, you should see that when a document is stored and triggers this workflow, it will look for a document where the Customer ID is 1234 and is a Purchase Order Document Type. Once located, it will clip onto that found document.

KBA is applicable for both Cloud and On-premise Organizations 

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