Migrating from Application Xtender
Hello, David. This post does not really answer your question, which I found when searching for AX. The validation you mention is a link to a custom routine and examples are found here: https://github.com/DocuWare/Validation-NodeJS-samples
I am interested in migrating a client's data from AX to DocuWare. Autoindex is available, so that is a good alternative. I am not familiar with AX. How can the data and images be exported? Did you use a tool or custom programming? Any guidance will be appreciated.
Upgrade path for version 7
Is there a summary of upgrade paths up to version 7 like this one for 6.11?
or this one for version 6.12?
We need to upgrage a version 6.0 system and it is not clear if we should go to 6.7, 6.8 or 6.9 first and then 7. Perhaps it does not make a difference between those three versions. The client uses MySQL. I understand a database upgrade to MySQL V2 is manual, not automatic. Can the database be left as is (MySQL 5.6) or does it have to be upgraded at some point? Thanks.
Hide annotation layer-profile requirements?
In the situation described here by Misha Guth, I can turn off the annotations and stamps added by workflow tasks, but only as an administrator. I cannot find what settings to adjust in order for authorized users to turn off the overlays in order to be ablto to read documents with a lot of stamp text on them. This is on Cloud version 7. Thanks in advance.
Fortis License to DW License Conversion
Hello, Bernie.
To the best of my knowledge, Fortis and FortisBlue like-for-like license swaps are still in force until year-end. Concurrent user licenses will be exchanged for the older-style (6.11) DocuWare concurrent licenses (if on-premise, not Cloud) which can be split into two named licenses. Any future additions, however, I believe will only be with the current named-only licensing model, in which four named licenses can be merged into one concurrent license. Cloud is named only. Information on the migration is available here: https://start.docuware.com/fortis. Links and numbers appear at the bottom.
Search by Doc ID in Cloud
Hello, Gilles. I'm glad I read through the whole post, which got off topic despite being interesting. The full text search allowed be to find one of two documents I need to check among several thousand and without adding a custom docid field. Thanks. Now I wonder why it only finds one of the two.
Can a Store Dialog Conditionally Require an Index Field be Filled?
Users need to add financial documents, which can be either Applications or Loans. A Store Dialog is available for each, displaying only the relevant fields. Applications do not have loan numbers. When a loan document is being stored the application number is no longer relevant nor available. Therefore, the two fields are not required in the file cabinet definition but should be required when the appropriate dialog is selected. I can apply field masks and default values, but the users can still leave the fields blank. Can the fields be required depending on the Store Dialog selected? Any suggestions will be welcome.
Cloud Users - Import to Create Available
This would be a great time saver. Perhaps this can be offered as a Support service at least for new accounts.
Can Import Jobs be copies (duplicated)?
We need to import files scanned on MFPs in serveral branch offices. Each branch office sends files to its own folder. Each folder is then monitored by DocuWare Import and any files are processed. Can the Import Jobs be copied to be edited or do we have to create them one at a time? Each import job runs a slightly different Import Configuration, where the branch number is fixed as an index field. Imported files are then split and indexed with br coded sheets inserted into the scanned pages. Any suggestions to best carry out this process will be welcome. I am concerned about the import speed when we have many branches online and sending hundreds of documents daily.
More Migration Support Documentation Needed
We have the same error ("This Docuware System has already been Configured."). What needs to be deleted or reset to try again? We already have SR 287389 open. Thanks.
Azure AD and DocuWare Cloud Authentication
Single Sign On with Azure AD would be a great addition to the Cloud. We have a new potential client with a large number of users that requires it. Is this planned? I saw the following from Microsoft which seems to indicate it is possible even if the application does not support AD. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/active-directory-b2b-what-is-azure-ad-b2b