Posted Thu, 28 Jun 2018 11:47:01 GMT by Steve Shriver Application Specialist

I need to send an 'Upgrade path to version 7 document' to an on premises end user but cannot seem to find it anywhere. Do we have such a document?

Clus for the clueless appreciated,

Posted Thu, 28 Jun 2018 11:51:53 GMT by Casey Miller Director of Technical Services

From what I am told you also can't just run the updater. I haven't seen any documentation on even how to upgrade yet. I know you need to uninistall content and workflow engine servers..This is out of the Technical Changes DocuWare 7 Document 


Supported updates 

Only for DocuWare On-Premises 

The update to DocuWare version 7 is supported from DocuWare Version 6.7 or later.

Posted Thu, 28 Jun 2018 13:32:00 GMT by Phil Robson DocuWare Corporation Senior Director Professional Services, Americas

I expect the documentation to be available shortly. However, do not rush to upgrade on-premise customers until you are fully aware of the breaking changes that DocuWare 7 brings. we presented all details and the upgrade paths at DocuWare in the Advanced DSC classes.
The minimum version to upgrade to DocuWare 7 is DocuWare 6.7.
Also, you do not have to uninstall anything. The upgrader performs all neccessary actions and for all intents and purposes is the same as any previous upgrade as far as execution is concerned.

Here is the document you should read:

Phil Robson
Senior Director Support Americas

Posted Thu, 28 Jun 2018 13:32:33 GMT by Craig Williams President/ CEO

When we upgraded 4.5 to 6 styel docuemnts we used an export/import method.

Build an export workflow to copy the records to an identical file cabinet then export them back to the old file cabinet...

The system converts the files when importing to the new file cabinet,  Copying them back just moves them back into play.

It is slow but it is a work around we still use....converted a 4.5 just a few months ago....

Posted Thu, 24 Jan 2019 15:24:53 GMT by Pedro E. Gonzalez-Santini Gm

Is there a summary of upgrade paths up to version 7 like this one for 6.11?

or this one for version 6.12?

We need to upgrage a version 6.0 system and it is not clear if we should go to 6.7, 6.8 or 6.9 first and then 7.  Perhaps it does not make a difference between those three versions. The client uses MySQL. I understand a database upgrade to MySQL V2 is manual, not automatic. Can the database be left as is (MySQL 5.6) or does it have to be upgraded at some point? Thanks.




Posted Thu, 24 Jan 2019 15:44:07 GMT by Phil Robson DocuWare Corporation Senior Director Professional Services, Americas

There is no neccessity to upgrade the database to V2. And yes it is a manual operation that if desired, should be done on version 6.12.
From Version 6.x you must upgrade to at least version 6.7, and then upgrade to 7.0.

See this simple graphic on the paths:



Phil Robson

Posted Thu, 21 Feb 2019 13:25:04 GMT by Hameed Ogbara - left 05.2022 Technical Support

Hello Phil,

Is there any update as I need to upgrade our client from 6.11 to version 7.0. The database is MSSQL 2014.


Posted Thu, 21 Feb 2019 13:28:46 GMT by Phil Robson DocuWare Corporation Senior Director Professional Services, Americas

There is no update. You can upgrade from 6.11 straight to DocuWare 7.


Phil Robson
Senior Director Support Americas

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