• RE: Cloud System select list entries

    The list cannot be extended in the Cloud. However upcoming with 7.1 the list will be extended to 100 entries by default. To load relevant entries, the user simply needs to type in the first 3 characters of the string and the list will automatically begin to filter by relevance. Most users have some idea of what they need from the list.

    Phil Robson
    Senior Director Support Americas


  • RE: Foreign Document Types

    You are talking about long past, and the DocuWare Windows Client which has long been dispensed with.
    DocuWare Web Client does not invoke any local app to view a file. If you wish to open such a file - zip, mp4, avi, etc you need to select Edit from the result list or viewer. Then the file will be downloaded and opened in the default application for that file type.
    It is worth keeping in mind that all supported file types are rendered to a png image for displaying in the viewer. You are not looking at the native file.

    Phil Robson
    Senior Director Support Americas
  • RE: disable new document tray for automatically imported users

    Check the User Synchronization program. I cannot run a 7 version at the moment, but the upcoming 7.1 version has a checkbox that allows that to be disabled.

    Phil Robson
    Senior Director Support Americas
  • RE: Adding 3 years to current year

    Well that's plain unfair, because I reversed the criteria. Oops.

    Try this:  DATEADD("yyyy",3,GV_APPRO_DATE)

    Phil Robson
    Senior Director Support Americas

  • RE: DocuWare Cloud and audit before August 2018

    Not unless file cabinet auditing was configured by you before the upgrade. File Cabinet activity was never automatically logged in versions prior to 7.

    Phil Robson
    Senior Director Support Americas
  • RE: DocuWare Cloud and audit before August 2018

    The Audit functionality in configurations was implemented with DocuWare 7. We upgraded our cloud customers between May and August of 2018. I assume then that your company was upgraded in August and that is why there are no Audit records earlier than that.

    Phil Robson
    Senior Director Support Americas
  • RE: Groups vs Roles - User Permissions

    Unless you have a particular need to use Groups don't bother with them as they can in many ways add a level of complexity that is not required.
    If you are synchronizing users with Active Directory then groups are necessary but otherwise not.

    Assign your users to Roles.
    Assign Roles to Function Profiles.
    Assign Roles to File Cabinet Dialogs and Permissions.

    Assigning Roles to Function profiles and file cabinets makes administration a lot simpler. When you create a new user, simply add them to the applicable role(s) and you do not need to do anything more since they will inherit all the necessary rights to cabinets etc.
    Remember also, that Rights in DocuWare are additive. Meaning the user will inherit the sum of the permissions granted in Function profiles or File Cabinets.

    Phil Robson
    Senior Director Support Americas

  • RE: Parallel TASK Approval

    I think I have it.
    Each user makes a decision to approve or reject. If approved, then in the Assign Data section, increment the variable by one when they approve. Then in the Exit conditions section test the variable:  GV_APPRO_COUNT >= 3

    If true, exit.

    Then no user gets a new task.

    Should work ;)

    Phil Robson

    Senior Director Support Americas

  • RE: Parallel TASK Approval

    Read this section in help on decisions for parallel tasks.

    This seem to make it possible to do the check if to exit the task. All you need to do is to figure out how to know if 3 have been made. I will do some testing and see what I come up with.

    Phil Robson
    Senior Director Support Americas

  • RE: Parallel TASK Approval

    I'm pretty sure yes. That is why I suggested testing it. It may not be a solution. In fact the could be more wrinkles than I first thought.
    What is the use case for 4 approvers?

    Phil Robson

    Senior Director Support Americas