
What licenses exist in DocuWare, and what function do they have?

Every user who wants to work with DocuWare needs a license. DocuWare differentiates between Concurrent licenses and Named licenses. By default, a new installation only comes with concurrent licenses, but those can be converted to named licenses using the DocuWare Administration. Please refer to the guide regarding the differences between Named and Concurrent licenses. 

Concurrent licenses

  • It may be used by an unlimited number of users within an organization but only one user at a time per concurrent license.
  • Licenses are not assigned or allocated to specific users.
  • Can be converted to four named licenses.

Named licenses

  • It may only be used by designated users within the organization.
  • Licenses assigned by the Organization Administrator.
  • Can be converted to one Concurrent license.

To convert a Concurrent license to Named licenses, refer to the following guide:

  1. Open the DocuWare Administration and go to <Organization name> → General → Licenses. In the window section on the right, click on the ellipsis to the right of Concurrent licenses
  2. A popup window should open. Here, enter the number of concurrent licenses you want to convert. Please note that one concurrent license will always be converted into four named licenses. Once that is done, click on the OK button to apply the changes.
  3. Now, you should see a list of named licenses in the main DocuWare Administration window. To assign a named license to a user, use the dropdown list next to the option User name.

To convert Named licenses to a Concurrent license, refer to KBA-36714

For organizations on DocuWare versions 6.11 or below, please refer to the DocuWare Knowledge Center regarding Client licensing and license conversion. 

KBA is applicable to On-premise Organizations ONLY. 

Comments (2)
  • Please update step 2 to indicate it is four named to one concurrent, not two.
  • Hello Pedro,
    Thank you for the suggestion. The content you referenced reflected previous versions of DocuWare where this information was correct (Client licensing up to DocuWare 6.11). The article has since been updated to reflect current and relevant versions of DocuWare.