When trying to access the Configurations page on a multi-server environment, you receive the error:
"Login failed: Cannot find active Authentication server. All servers are either stopped, or the communication channel settings don't allow a connection"
You've verified that all DocuWare services are in a "Running" state.
Please refer to the following guide to alleviate this issue;
- Navigate to the drive where DocuWare web components are installed, navigate to Program Files\DocuWare\Web\Settings\bin, and then edit the "DocuWare.WAFServices.settings" file.
***NOTE: Make a copy of this file before making any changes!*** - Change the Authentication Server name from "localhost" to the server name where the DocuWare Authentication Service is currently running.
<ConnectionSettings Name="Local AS" Server="localhost" Port="9000" Local="false" Active="true" System="Central system" />
- Perform an IISRESET, and accessing the configurations page should now be successful.
Unsure of how to reset IIS? Please follow KBA-34532 to reset IIS correctly.
KBA is applicable for On-premise Organizations ONLY.