Publicado Thu, 25 Feb 2021 15:42:48 GMT por Aren Slootweg Developer

Hello ,

How can I create a entry with the REST API for keyword fields.

I'm using PHP and have a class FIELDS to add fields

I define my keywords list like this:

$keywords = array ("Keyword" => array("Docuware", "Keyword", "test"));

and add it to the other fields with:

$dwFields->AddField(new Field('TREFWOORD'      , $keywords , 'Keywords'));

But I always ending up with one keyword field where this is listed: { "Keyword": [ "Docuware", "Keyword", "test" ] }
So it will not seperate the items to different lines.

This is the JSON result for the post to the rest api


Any ideas how to fix this??



Publicado Sun, 28 Feb 2021 19:00:57 GMT por Aren Slootweg Developer
Added some more info and screen shots related to the problem.

Any help is welcome!!

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