Publicado Tue, 26 Oct 2021 08:13:13 GMT por Mike Noyce Solutions Consultant
Has anyone been asked to use Adobe Sign as the integrated signature tool ?
We have a customer that all ready has Adobesign and wants to integrate with DocuWare.
Can this be easily achieved in the same way as Validate ID and DocuSign?

Publicado Tue, 02 Nov 2021 08:13:13 GMT por Matthias Wieland DocuWare Europe GmbH Sr. Director Support EMEA
Dear Mike Noyce! It looks like the Community cannot answer your question. That's why we have opened a Support Request with the Number SR-163073-M9M1F for you. A Software Support Specialist will contact you directly to follow up. We will update this thread with the solution as soon as we have resolved the Support Request. With best regards, DocuWare Support Team
Publicado Tue, 11 Jan 2022 16:24:57 GMT por Pedro E. Gonzalez-Santini Gm
Hello, Mike. We have the same need and have discussed this with Adobe, DocuWare and third party developers. Nothing is available yet, but with the new REST and webhooks functionality in DocuWare 7.5 this may be possible. Let me know if you still have a need to see how we could collaborate. I also opened a uservoice thread that so far has no votes here:
Publicado Tue, 21 Feb 2023 19:02:12 GMT por Ahmet Tas
<p>Hi all, I just made a showcase how you can integrate Adobe Sign with DocuWare via Make. Read it here: <a href=""><strong></strong></a>&#160; Let me know if you need help integrating it for your customers. Best Ahmet</p>

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