
How to use select lists?

You can define further select lists in addition to the standard select lists provided by DocuWare (normal and selective select lists) in DocuWare Administration. How the select lists are set up and assigned is described below.

Firstly, DocuWare makes a distinction between fixed and external select lists. If the Fixed option is enabled, the DocuWare server copies the complete list into its own memory. Access to the list will then be very fast, but the list will not be updated automatically. If the External option is enabled, the server does not copy the list into its memory. Access to the list will then be slower, but the list will always be up to date. If a select list is never or only rarely likely to change, we recommend using the Fixed option. But for lists that are constantly being updated, we recommend selecting the External option.

Fixed select list
You can initialize this list in the following ways:

  • Do not use external data source: This option allows you to define the entries you want to include in the select list. Click on Edit select list and add your new entries manually.
  • Use external data source: This option allows you to initialize the fixed entries in the new select list from a data source of your choice. You can do this in the following ways:
    • Database: This option allows you to access any supported type of external database. Note, however, that this must already have been configured in the system and that only three database types are supported: Microsoft SQL, MySQL and Oracle. You can also choose whether you want to address a table and column directly or whether to query the information using an SQL command.
    • Text file: Select a text file containing the entries you wish to use for the select list. The options are: Fixed length or Delimited file. The contents of the other rows depend on the selection made here. You can define any character as a separator, such as a semicolon or a sequence of characters. When defining the length of fields, you must specify the exact column width.

External select list
You also have a number of options to choose from with external select lists.

  • Database: This option allows you to access any supported type of external database. Note, however, that this must already have been configured in the system and that only three database types are supported: Microsoft SQL, MySQL and Oracle. You can also choose whether you want to address a table and column directly or whether to query the information using an SQL command.
  • Text file: Select a text file containing the entries you wish to use for the select list. The options are: Fixed length or Delimited file. The other options available depend on the selection you make here. You can define any character as a separator, such as a semicolon or a sequence of characters. When defining the length of fields, you must specify the exact column width.

Configuration example
You want to define an external select list on the basis of a text file and make it available for a field in a file cabinet in the Standard search dialog.

  1. Open DocuWare Administration. In the tree structure, select the Organization name General / Select Lists node. Right-click on Select Lists and select New Select List Definition from the context menu.
  2. Now you can enter a name for the select list and assign it a type. In our example we are using an external text file in which all the invoice information is stored. We will use a semicolon as the delimiter, and we will use all the information in the ORDERNO column for the select list. (This column name is only visible because the first record in the text file contains this information. This can also be left out and must then be deselected using the checkbox.)

  3. The connection to the database or text file can be tested by clicking the button highlighted in the screenshot.

  4. Now we need to release the select list for the required fields. Open each file cabinet in the tree structure and select the checkbox for the select list you just created in the relevant field.

  5. Now switch to the search dialogs and define the select list for the selected field. In our example we are using the Doc number field and so we click on the select list in the Standard search dialog.

  6. Select the select list you want and copy it to the right-hand pane by clicking on the arrow.

  7. You must repeat this process for each search dialog you want to use it for. If you therefore wish to define the select list both in the search and in the store dialog, you must activate it in both places. Please note also that more than one search and store dialog may be defined for a file cabinet.