
How to configure the Windows (trusted) login for the WebClient?

The Windows login in Web Client can be accessed from the following adress: http://<servername>/Docuware/Platform/Webclient/ntlm. In order to set it work properly, please do the following steps:

  1. The client PC has to be in the same domain as the WebServer.
  2. The "Network ID" has to be determined for the corresponding user in the DW Administration
  3. Check the authentication settings in the IIS: IIS authentication settings of web components
  4. The Windows Authentication components for the role Web Server have to be installed


  1. The browser has to be configured correctly

    • Internet Explorer (Google Chrome)

      Define the webserver of the Web Client as local intranet 


      If local intranet is not wanted you have to adjust the following in IE:
      Internet Options -> Security -> Trusted Sites -> Custom Level -> User Authentication -> Logon -> Automatic Logon with current User name and Password

    • Mozilla Firefox
      about:config > network.automatic-ntlm-auth.trusted-uris > just add the server name of the Web Server, for example for http://webserver/DWWebClient > webserver

  2. If the Windows Login is still not working properly, please remove the Windows Authentication provider "Negotiate"

  • Open "...\DocuWare\Web\Platform\Web.config"
  • Adjust the following lines:
    • This config change was introduced by default since DW 6.10!
       <location path="WebClient/NTLM">
       <windowsAuthentication enabled="true">
       <clear />
       <add value="NTLM" />
  • Please save the file. Restarting the IIS is not necessary.

If you want to skip the login page at all, please note this KBA: Is it possible to skip the login page of Web Client?