
Caused by an error in the user specific settings, it might happen, that the Web Client looks incorrect like this:

Depending on whether the settings are stored in the local storage of the browser (by default) or in the database, there are different ways to solve this: 

  • If the user settings are stored in the local storage of the browser perform the steps described in /knowledgebase/article/KBA-35271:
    How do I reset the user specific settings in Web Client?  
  • If the user settings are stored in the database perform following steps:
    1. Create a backup of your DWSystem database
    2. Go to table DWSystem.DWUser and find the UID of the affected user. 
    3. Go to table DWSystem.DWUsersettings and delete all Rows with the UID of the affected user. 

Next time the user logs into web client, all settings are reset to default values.

Note: To see whether the settings are stored in the database or not, check /knowledgebase/article/KBA-35268:
Where are the user-specific settings stored?