
Using a search query in a tool (Platform .NET API or REST API) runs into following error:
"Wrong condition. Not parsed string..."

The query contains special characters which are not escaped correctly.

Some special characters have to be escaped when using them (as they are) in a query. 
In general these characters are ones which can be used as control characters in a query as well: (, ), *, \, "  

Value in Field: "Invoice (in)" - Query: "Invoice \(in\)" 
Value in Field: "*Test" - Query: "\*Test" 

Why does this only affect certain characters? 
- When you use unescaped open brackets, the logic behind is searching for closing brackets in the query too. 
- When you use unescaped * in a query, it is used as a indicator for wildcard search. 
- When you use unescaped \ in a query, it is used as an indicator that the next character should be escaped. If it is no valid character, the query fails.