Since DocuWare 7, Updates are integrated in the DocuWare installation packages.
Therefore, to get the latest version of an Update you need to download the complete DocuWare setup files again.
Before you install the Update, please read and follow the
Update installation instructions
Setup updated on:
(PDF of included improvements can be found
Build version:
Download link:
Included improvements:
- General: Minor improvements in areas of performance and/or security and/or error logging
- Web Client: Accessing document audit history timed out.
- Desktop Apps: Desktop connection certificates have to be updated because they approach expiration
- General: Minor improvements in areas of performance and/or security and/or error logging
- Setup: If DocuWare has been installed on a custom website in former versions it will be installed in Default Website on Update
- Request: Download fails if the configuration name contain a plus sign "+" or "&"
- Workflow Designer: Windows scaling cuts off icons or scrollbar or makes them disappear in Web Service activity
- Workflow Manager: Task empty when opened in integration (or new tab)
- Viewer: Tool buttons disabled when documents are opened via Send Request
- Workflow Manager: Custom task list order might be lost when refreshing
- Connect to Mail: Wrong exception thrown when PDF conversion fails
- Workflow Designer: Conversion arguments like vbWide, vbNarrow, etc of function StrConv used in workflow do not work
- Setup: Setup runs into an error in 7.6 to 7.7 because of the Fulltext reindex
- Connect to Mail: For signed emails, the smime.p7m file (Base64 encoded) is stored instead of the attachments
- Setup: Remove not required "Web.config" from Client Setup prerequisites to avoid possible error when downloading and installing prerequisites of Desktop Apps
- Setup: Download of Microsoft C++ Runtime may fail during Client Setup
- User Synchronization: Document trays are created even if user creation fails, which leads to a high amount of unused document trays
- Workflow Manager: Select list filtering does not work with backslash ( \ )
- Database: Installation of Internal Database data directory on a different drive than the database program files is not possible
- Mobile: When opening a document link on mobile a button to open mobile app is missing on login page
- Workflow Manager: EML files are empty when they are sent via mail from Email activity of a workflow
- Autoindex: File Connections for Autoindex do not support UTF8 BOM files
- Fulltext Search: Fulltext search doesn't work with index profile containing user group or role
- Connect to Outlook: License is not released after 2 minutes when logging out from Connect to Outlook
- Workflow Manager: Workflow keyword variable filled with a column of a table field returns all table entries when assigned to a string with KeywordAsString
- Workflow Manager: Select list filtering does not work with backslash ( \ )
- Autoindex : File Connections do not supported UTF8 BOM
- Connect to Outlook: Indexing decimal values using Document Processing configuration shifts decimal by 2 places in Czech
- Reques t: When uploading files bigger than 2GB an error occurs "Value was either too large or too small for an Int32"
- Platform REST API : ContentModified date is wrong when uploading files via Postman
- Workflow Designer: Workflow Designer prompts for credentials again when if name of the workflow with set schedule is changed
- Viewer: PDF pages change rotation after "Download as PDF"
- Windows Explorer Client: Quick Access not working and constant error messages if Desktop Apps User has no licence
- File Cabinets: Check-out is documented as change of current document version
- Setup: Fulltext can not start as a service when using SSL
- Viewer: Date format of stamps changes to English (United States) if a PDF with annotations is sent via mail
- Web Client: For On Premises systems that are configured for SSO and have multiple organisations, Identity Service does not check the organisation id before login
- Integration: Dates in Url Integrations are shifted in different Time Zones
- Workflow Designer: Workflow cannot assign index data to a file cabinet field of type numeric
- Web Client: When the Username and/or Organization name are long login to Web Client is not possible (Error: URL too long)
- Setup: Some files might trigger false positives in security software ("No valid digital signature")
- User Synchronization: Only one user per group is synchronized
- Windows Explorer Client: When moving client nested folders to the same level of a folder structure of a file cabinet the moved folders disappear
- Viewer: One-click indexing adds spaces for pages 2 and following
- Workflow Manager: Wrong user assignment after wait for event in workflow
- Database: MultiSubnetFailover cannot be used by the Identity Service
- User Synchronization: "Include users in selected groups who are not found in the selected user node" does not create users when synchronizing from Azure AD
- Workflow Manager: Workflow function "Prefill with balance" is not working