After renaming the computer name where the DocuWare 5 server modules are installed, the services won’t start anymore.
*Note: Renaming a DocuWare system is not part of the standard support package; therefore, if you want us (DocuWare Support Department) to perform this task for you we could do as a Professional Service task for a fee.
The computer name is stored in the DocuWare server settings, which have to be changed to adapt the settings to the changed name. In the following description you can find a detailed explanation, how to change the server name settings in the DocuWare system database and configuration files. In this article, we assume that all server modules of DocuWare are installed on one machine. DocuWare internal database (MySQL) is used. If you use a different database, you have to change the identical settings, using your administration tools.
If you are not sure about the computer name, please do a right-click on My Computer and choose Properties -> Computer Name. Mark the computer name and press Ctrl + C to copy the name to the clipboard. If a domain name is attached, please copy only the computer name without the domain.
Open the Management Console (MySQL Control Center or MySQL Query Browser) and choose database DWSystem, table DWMachineID. Change the field machine_name to the new name of the computer (if you copied the name to the clipboard, you can press Ctrl + V to copy the name to the field).
Choose table DWServer and change the name in the fields name, connection and settings.
Open the configuration file of the Authentication server (DWAuthenticationServer.exe.config). You can find this file in the program folder of the Server (e.g. c:\program files\DocuWare\Authentication Server\). Change the computer name in the section AuthenticationServers and Connection.
Please open the following files and change the server name in the section AuthenticationServers: DWContentServer.exe.settings
On the installed clients you have to change the file DocuWare.Administration.exe.config. You can find the file in the AdminTool folder in the local DocuWare directory (e.g. c:\docuware\AdminTool).
Please start the DocuWare services now. There may be errors during startup (just ignore them; this is not a problem at this time). Login to the DocuWare Administration tool and change the computer name at the following places:
DocuWare System > Database Connections > Content > Connection Parameters > Database Server Name > [Change]
DocuWare System > Database Connections > Authentication > Connection Parameters > Database Server Name > [Change]
DocuWare System > Database Connections > Logging > Connection Parameters > Database Server Name > [Change]
Please restart all DocuWare services and try to login to the DocuWare 5 client and the Administration Tool. There should be no errors anymore.