
Does DocuWare provide updates for Apache Tomcat?

DocuWare does not provide updates for Apache Tomcat, but with the following instructions you can update your Apache Tomcat manually.
Kindly note that we cannot guarantee support through this manual action. This is not a recommendation, but rather to give you the opportunity to update the component yourself if necessary.
Please be advised, that our installation routine will overwrite all manual actions! The default version included in the installation package will be applied.

How to figure out which Tomcat version you are using:

  1. Open the latest Catalina.Today'sDate.log
  2. You will see ex. Server version number:
  3. Stop the Fulltext Server.
  4. Create a backup of the webapps folder.
  5. Create a backup of the server.xml file (you can find this in the conf folder).
  6. Run the uninstalldwtomcat.cmd which you can find in the Fulltext directory.
  7. Download the latest version of Apache Tomcat (
  8. Copy the downloaded files to the Fulltext directory.
    Do not delete the .cmd files!
  9. Restore the webapps backup from step 5.
  10. Replace the server.xml file in the subfolder conf with the backup from step 5.
  11. Execute the file installdwtomcat.cmd to install the new version of Tomcat.
    *If you see error "ChangeServiceConfig Failed 1057" you must go to Windows Services and alter the user from Local Service to your Domain Admin user. You do not need to rerun the command.
  12. Execute the file installopenjdkfordwtomcat.cmd to automatically select the proper OpenJDK folder in Fulltext config.
  13. Start the Fulltext-Server.
  14. To see your current version repeat steps 1 and 2:

KBA applicable for On-premise Organizations ONLY.