Posted Thu, 11 Oct 2018 16:37:00 GMT by David Blake Ricoh USA Sr. Solution Integrator

Looking for experience and best practices for long DocuWare Forms. 

We have a project where in paper, the referral packet is 33 pages long, we are expected to convert this into a DW Form.  

My experience is not too long into the form build, the form configuration becomes unresponsive and impossible to use. 

I'm thinking of building 33 separate forms, and have the last form kick off the next form using the Redirect to the following URL:  -  component under the "Submisssion" tab.  Just wondering if anyone has tried thia approach.

Otherwise I'm suffering from degrading performance on the form, from the configuration, to the actual user expericence.

Posted Fri, 14 Dec 2018 19:21:36 GMT by David Williams

I am experiencing the same issue. If I try to add or take something out, it takes forever for it to respond to the change. On top of that, it takes forever for the form to load when you select the link.

Anyone have any answers to this?

Posted Wed, 19 Dec 2018 16:33:13 GMT by Casey Miller Director of Technical Services

I like the idea of using redirect but the issue would be getting them linked. I guess if you have a field identifyer you could do a document relation so the user can pull all these up.. I have similar issues even with using the new forms a cutting the length down based on fields it still is slow to load. curious to see any more info on this.

Posted Thu, 20 Dec 2018 08:31:57 GMT by Gilles Sauvagnat Altexence


By experience I do not want to publish (and definitely not have to fill) a form more that one or two pages long.

Imagine the situation if, for any reason,  the connection is lost ! All the work is lost, unless you use another technology to store step by step the keyed information and be able to reopen it when the user reconnect.

You can use DW form to open another application or another form at the end. The current limitation right now is you cannot call a form using variables to pre fill the form. So the design must be done with such limitation in mind.

Concerning performance issue, is this Cloud ?



Posted Thu, 20 Dec 2018 20:56:48 GMT by Casey Miller Director of Technical Services

I am seeing the performance issue on our on prem system.

Posted Fri, 21 Dec 2018 10:19:30 GMT by Gilles Sauvagnat Altexence

Reply #5

Performance issue. I have not seen performance issue specific to forms. As this is a web application, try to use network in the IE dev tools (accessed by F12). It will give you valuable information on ressources.





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