Setting up Validations with NodeJS and Github
Ok, I am very new to this. I am stuck at step 2 lol. When it is saying Clone the Sources : git clone https://github.com/DocuWare/Validation-NodeJS-samples.git how exactly do you do the clone?? I've tried command prompt and opening nodeJS and running this command but I get syntax error. It is just confusing because then in step 3 it says in command prompt navigate to the folder where the sample app was cloned... how do I know where it was cloned?
I am using this site for the instructions https://github.com/DocuWare/Validation-NodeJS-samples. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Essentially I want to be able to validate whether an invoice with matching invoice number doc type of invoice and vendor name is already in the cabinet. looks like they already have something like that feature for check for already existing invoices before storing.
EDIT: Ok so I have gotten all of the setup and configuration figured out. Just took some digging around and playing. I am getting a good connection but am receiving this error ? error is attached
John, it has to be equal
John, it has to be equal because it needs to be an exact match. Are you using a file connection, DB, or File Cabinet? The best way to do this would be to get an export not on the check infromation but on the invoice information. Hopefully the system you are getting this from would have the check number that paid that invoice. This way you have a list of invoices and then a column that would show what check paid that invoice. Then just do a match on invoice number and vendor number/name and pull in the check number from the column.
OR are you saying that is what you have but the invoice column has multiple values in it? If this is the case, not sure what you could do.. If they have commas or other separation values you could do some manipulation in excel..
I am seeing the performance
I am seeing the performance issue on our on prem system.
I like the idea of using
I like the idea of using redirect but the issue would be getting them linked. I guess if you have a field identifyer you could do a document relation so the user can pull all these up.. I have similar issues even with using the new forms a cutting the length down based on fields it still is slow to load. curious to see any more info on this.
is this on-premise or cloud?
is this on-premise or cloud? I think the public forms only comes with cloud by default. You may need to purchase public forms for on prem.not sure though
DocuWare Printer PS w/ DW V7
Is there a docuware PS printer install for v7?
I guess I will take this as
I guess I will take this as no one knows this answer at DocuWare...
Silent Install for DW7
I cannot find a silent install document for V7. Is it the same as the 6.12 instructions?
We are using version 7. But,
We are using version 7. But, I seem to be running into the same issue. I did this a while back when using version 6.5 and it worked fine. Seems something has changed since. I am getting the same outcome as you...
what query are you using?
what query are you using?