You have the option to prioritize your request yourself. However, we are not able to handle all requests with the same priority so please give us detailed information about the priority selection or change. We will do our best to process your request related to your chosen priority. Please note that we will have to change or revert the priority to the original one if you cannot provide clear and meaningful reasons when entering the request into the portal. If the priority is changed by support you will receive an email notification in that case. The entries for priority are split into two different areas which must be rated separately.


How fast you need an answer for your request?



  • There are short term deadlines or time frames for this project or request.
  • The negative business impact is increasing quickly.
  • As a DocuWare Partner you are on-site and you had to travel more than 1 hour. Action can be taken or finished on-site only.


  • There are defined fixed deadlines or time frames for this project or request.
  • The negative business impact is increasing over time.


  • There is a low level of urgency for this request.
  • Expected reaction times can be fulfilled.

Business Impact

How serious are the running operations affected and how high is the expected business critical impact?How many users are affected?


The DocuWare System is not available for a group of users. These users are not able to perform their normal tasks.
  • Damage for business is critical.
  • DocuWare Key Features not available (Login, Search, Storage, Document Access or Display)
  • Possible data loss
  • Problems or interruption during an upgrade or extension of the system if no roll-back is possible


The DocuWare system is partly unavailable but limited access and operation is possible. Only some users are impeded from performing their normal functions. Users can work in a limited manner only.
  • Business critical impact is medium or high.
  • Important limitation of functionality but usable system
  • System is working with degraded performance


There is a question or problem which is causing some minor operational issue. Individual users are partly hindered from performing their normal tasks. This is an annoying incident but with only a small impact on operational services.
  • Malfunction of a non-critical component or service.
  • Parts of the system working with reduced performance
  • Problems or interruption during an upgrade or extension of the system where roll-back is possible
  • Problems with an available workaround


  • Selection of highest priority requires a detailed description of the reasons that lead to this prioritization.
  • You commit to continuous operation during DocuWare Service hours with the DocuWare Support Team until resolution; otherwise, DocuWare may at its discretion decrease the priority.
  • You also ensure that DocuWare has up-to-date contact information.
  • Remote Online Access to the system must be available!