Thank Phil, Will do.
Thank Phil, Will do.
LDAP not showing groups in Syncronization
New install. On-Prem. 6.12 with hotfix.
LDAP with Active Directory setup.
Select list draws from AD to select Group root node distingushed name and User root node distiguashed name.
IN Sync Setup the DocuWare Groups to LDAP groups, the drop down shows (none).
Any advise???? PLEASE!!!!!!
Unable to delete a field in cabinet
After building a numeric field I realized it should be a text for a mask to work. I tried to delete the field in configuration and I get the following error.
ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN failed because column 'TAX ID" does nto exist in the table 'CORP_ACCOUNTING"
I tried to rename it then delete it buw again I get the same error. I rebooted the server to see if the MSSQL server would re-sync but the field is still in the cabinet and can not be deleted.
Upgrade from Pro to Enterprise
HI Folks,
I can not find any information on how to upgrade to Enterprise from Professional Server. When I installed the license file did this do all that needs to be done? Is there a document with instructions on how to upgrade, if nessesary?
Encrypting storage locations in Professional
HI Folks,
I have a client that needs to Encrypt the storage locations, both cabinets and baskets. They are on Professional. Does anyone have suggested encryption software that works well with DocuWare?
Can DocuWare be used with Okta?
DW Printer drops lines
DW 6.11 USing DocuWare printer with a specific configuration for a while. One PC prints to DW printer and the config is a mismatch so it goes to the default tray. The file is the same one all of the other PC are using with no problems. When looking at the file through config and adding it as a sample, it shows with the fields moved down a few lines. As if the print added lines to the top of page.
Has anyone seen this?
This worked Perfectly.
Renaming Document types
I have a client who setup a field called Document Type, (as many do). They are using a select list to propagate this field. One of the entries is wrong and many documents have been indexed with that wrong name. How do I rename the index value of all of these docuemnts to the correct spelling? Anyone have an idea?