When attempting to open the Workflow Designer app, you get the following error message;

"Critical exception occurred: The type initializer for 'DocuWare.Desktop.Configuration.UserConfig' threw an exception when opening the Workflow Designer."

Upon checking the most recent "DocuWare.Bpw.Designer.log" log file located in C:\ProgramData\DocuWare\Logs\Bpw, the following entry error is shown; 

"Configuration system failed to initialize... hexadecimal value 0x00, is an invalid character. Line #, position #. (C:\Users\[Users]\Appdata\Local\DocuWare_GmbH\DocuWare.Bpw.Designer.exe_StrongName..\\user.config line #)"

***NOTE: The folder refers to the version of the Workflow Designer app. This folder name (version number) may be different on your machine.***

First, we must know what version our DocuWare Workflow Designer application is on. Please refer to the following steps on how to check the app version;
  1. Browse out to C:\Program Files (x86)\DocuWare\Workflow Designer
  2. Right-click, then go to "Properties" for the file, DocuWare.Bpw.Designer.exe
  3. Click on the "Details" tab to show the current file version. 

Now that we have checked the version of the Workflow Designer and verified that it matches the information stated in the error message, the following must be completed to resolve this behavior;

  1. Browse to the path provided in the error message.
  2. Delete or rename the "DocuWare.Bpw.Designer.exe.StrongName..." folder.

Once done, you should be able to open the Workflow Designer app.

KBA is applicable for both Cloud and On-premise Organizations.