Posted Tue, 23 Oct 2018 11:24:04 GMT by David Williams

Here we go again with things arbitrarily being taken out of Docuware!!!

Just got upgraded to Cloud Version 7 this past weekend and just found out I can't use Free SQL to filter results in Select Lists. WHAT THE HAY PEOPLE!!

Sooooo, since I can't do this anymore for whatever am I supposed to accomplish this now?

An example is this: I have a cabinet that contains a master list of employees in the company containing names, positions, etc. If I want a dynamic select list that lists only the project managers of the company, I simply filtered the results in the select list using Free SQL.

How do I accomplish this now?



Additionally, why do I get redirected to right after I hit SAVE when saving a forum question? Can't we get the redirect sent back to the forum page? Just saying!

Posted Tue, 23 Oct 2018 12:16:55 GMT by Phil Robson DocuWare Corporation Senior Director Professional Services, Americas

The free SQL query was removed as part of a general improving of security in the cloud. The impact on customers is currently under discussion.
Support will contact you to investigate alternatives.


Phil Robson
Senior Director Support Americas

Posted Tue, 23 Oct 2018 17:15:32 GMT by Josef Zayats


the only place where SQL statemets are still available (in CLOUD system) is Autoindex.

I find that using AIX jobs in conjunction with some additional auxilary index fields and select lists based on regular graphic filters based on these fields, can be to a certain degree a substitution for free sql statements in select lists for many scenarios. Not as straight forward, but may work.


Posted Tue, 28 May 2019 20:42:52 GMT by Jon Weston File IT Solutions Sr Application Developer and RIM specialist
I just posted this in uservoice.  go vote:

Posted Wed, 29 May 2019 21:53:03 GMT by Jon Weston File IT Solutions Sr Application Developer and RIM specialist

I followed Phil's workaround for a store dialog (setup a multi-column select list and add a field to the store dialog, thus creating a clunky (and visible to the client!) workaround), but of course we can't do this in workflow.  So there's no way of filtering select lists in workflow in the cloud. Getting even angrier.  The result for the client is that they'll be forced to pick a huge list (and getting bigger every day) of all the purchase orders in the system rather than a short and easy list of the open purchase orders.

Posted Tue, 11 Jun 2019 16:10:11 GMT by Jon Weston File IT Solutions Sr Application Developer and RIM specialist
another workaround: create a file cabinet just for a select list and then use autoindex to add/remove values.  for example, if you want to have a list of the open Purchase Orders then you create a file cabinet called "Open Purchase Orders" and give it one field, PO Number.  Note that the PO's themselves are still stored in the main Accounting file cabinet.  Now you set up an autoindex job that monitors a field in the Accounting cabinet that defines whether or not the PO is open and use the writeback functionality of AutoIndex to add a value to the file cabinet if it's not there (and of course you'll need another autoindex job that monitors the same field and removes the record from the cabinet if the PO closed).

Hugely clunky, not even sure if it's reliable (during testing yesterday it didn't work 100% of the time for some reason - sometimes the AIX job would run, sometimes it wouldn't, no idea why), and of course it takes a while to setup as opposed to 30 seconds for a filtered select list.

Even if DW added the graphic designer for filtering select lists in the cloud (which would solve their security concerns) we could avoid all this.  I added that suggestion to the uservoice request linked above.  Again, PLEASE GO VOTE!
Posted Tue, 11 Jun 2019 18:28:58 GMT by Jon Weston File IT Solutions Sr Application Developer and RIM specialist
here's another update to this ridiculous situation (I've already spent hours building clunky workarounds and involved DW support several times): AIX doesn't appear to have access to the DW user list.  So if you want to create a select list of just the users in the Project Manager role (back to your original post, David), not only do you have to create a whole new file cabinet, but you can't even use AIX to auto-populate any of the data when a Project Manager is added.  The users will actually have to enter the name, email address, etc AGAIN.  ("why do we have to re-enter all this data? We just entered it when we added the user themself?" they ask me)

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