Posted Thu, 24 Jan 2019 18:03:35 GMT by Craig Heintz SE

I have several imports to cabinets running on the DW server connected to hotfolders on the same server.  Many times a document will show "Warning" in the history with a reason of could not connect to the specific cabinet.  This document is interlaced with ones that were successful.  If I tell it to RETRY it imports to the cabinet without issue.

So my question is two fold.

1.  Is there any way to set desktop apps to automatically retry imports that show WARNING?

2.  What might be causing this type of error/warning.

DW version 6.12 HF 8/2018



Posted Thu, 24 Jan 2019 18:51:22 GMT by Phil Robson DocuWare Corporation Senior Director Professional Services, Americas

Since Import is a user based app, there is no server like behavior in as much as it can automatically retry a failed import.
Running import jobs on the DocuWare server is an immediate source of conflict. Both the Desktop app and the server begin to compete for resources (particularly OCR). Usually the end result is poor performance all round. I would usually recommend importing from a workstation. It is possible that a resource conflict is causing import to fail to get the responses required resulting in the file cabinet access error. It could also be that the source of the problem is Job Server.

If not already configured, I would change the Desktop Apps to import using Platform rather than Job Server. This will not only be quicker but may result in better resource usage.

To change Desktop to use Platform, open the DocuWare.DesktopService.exe.config file (in the \DocuWare\Desktop folder).
Find this line (about 2/3rds of the way down the file):
<Configurations ActiveConfiguration="Automatic"> <!-- Automatic -->

Change the word "Automatic" to "StoreViaPlatformClient" like this:
<Configurations ActiveConfiguration="StoreViaPlatformClient"> <!-- Automatic -->

Save the file and restart the Desktop Service.



Phil Robson
Senior Director Support Americas




Posted Thu, 24 Jan 2019 20:46:47 GMT by Casey Miller Director of Technical Services

Phil, does this also go for DW7? or does it use Platform out of box install for desktop apps import?

Posted Tue, 12 Feb 2019 07:09:11 GMT by Simon H. Hellmann Wedderhoff IT GmbH Systemadministrator

Hi Casey,

on DW 7 on premises, the store via platform setting seems to be default. I have seen it on several Clients now. For Cloud, I would guess it's the same, but I haven't seen it yet.

Greetings from Germany,
Simon H. Hellmann
DocuWare System Consultant

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