
How do I reset the Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ)?
Since DocuWare version 6.6 the DocuWare services and Application Pools are using the Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) for the internal communication. The so-called "Private Message Queues" are bound to the user of the DocuWare Services and Application Pools.

For many reasons, such as changes in the Windows system or after changing the user of the DocuWare services and Application Pools, a reset of the Message Bus is necessary. To reset the Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ), please refer to the following guide below:

  1. Stop all DocuWare Services and all DocuWare Application Pools (IIS). 
    (Note: Display of DocuWare App Pools may differ depending on your DocuWare version)



  1. Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\DocuWare\Setup Components and run the DocuWare.MessageBusAdministration.exe as administrator.

  2. Ensure the dropdown is set to "Default Network adapter", then clear all available queues by pressing the button "Remove all private message queues"
    When prompted, confirm the following message: "This will remove the following private message queues from this computer"

  3. Start all DocuWare Services and all DocuWare Application Pools (IIS).

Note: Ensure you are still using the Network Adapter 'Default network adapter' when you are leaving the DocuWare Message Bus Administration.

KBA is applicable to On-premise Organizations ONLY.

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