
Using the File cabinet synchronization workflow you can synchronize one or more DocuWare file cabinets, where one file cabinet is always the master and you have one or more satellite file cabinets. The satellites must have the same structure as the master file cabinet. A satellite file cabinet can act as the master for other satellite file cabinets.
In order to define a file cabinet as a satellite you have to enable the "Satellite enable" option on the first tab of the File cabinet creation wizard.
Synchronization relates to the documents as well as the associated database entries. When creating the file cabinet synchronization workflow you also specify whether the full-text of the documents is to be exported during synchronization, or not.

Mapping fields
When setting up a synchronization process you have to map the index fields of the satellite file cabinet to the index fields of the master file cabinet. It is best to use identical DocuWare field types as far as possible. The following mappings are legitimate:

  1. Numerical fields can be mapped to numerical fields only. In addition, database field types of the index fields must match. Thus, it is not possible to map an index field of database field type INT32 to an index field of database field type INT24.
  2. Text fields can only be mapped to text fields. When using text fields of varying lengths, synchronization may truncate index information.
  3. Date fields can be mapped to date fields and Annotation fields to annotation fields only.

The file cabinet synchronization workflow is not available in DocuWare BUSINESS.

GUID of the Master file cabinet
If a file cabinet is being used as a satellite file cabinet, the GUID of the master file cabinet is entered at the satellite file cabinet in order to prevent more than one file cabinet acting as the master for this satellite.

The GUID of the master file cabinet is requested every time a synchronization is run. If this is different from the original GUID, the synchronization is aborted. If the file cabinet is to act as a satellite for a different file cabinet than the current master, all the documents in the satellite file cabinet must first be deleted. You then need to enter the GUID of the new master file cabinet manually. Go to: <Organization x> / file_cabinet / <file_cabinet x> / General settings / Options.

Synchronization Workflow: Delete documents
If you want documents to be deleted from a satellite file cabinet during a synchronization run if they have been deleted from the master file cabinet, you must restart the DocuWare client between the first and subsequent runs of the synchronization workflow, or close and reopen the master file cabinet on the DocuWare client.

File cabinet synchronization with COLD documents
If a new COLD document, i.e. a document within a CL5 file, is synchronized in a file cabinet synchronization, a new CL5 file containing this document is created in the file cabinet to be updated, along with the associated database entries.

If you later change the index entries for this documents in one of the file cabinets, at the next file cabinet synchronization only the database entries in the other file cabinet will be updated. The CL5 file and the index entries it contains for the document are not updated during synchronization. As a result, the index entries as stored in the database and as contained in the CL5 file are no longer consistent. In the event of a restore operation, the older index entries contained in the CL5 file will be used to rebuild the database entries.

File Cabinet Synchronisation of Flagged Documents
When a file cabinet is synchronized, the associated document flags are also transferred: Protected, COLD, Locked und Deleted.

Special features of Protected flag:
Documents with the Protected flag can only be synchronized if the synchronization workflow is running under a user who is the file cabinet owner.

Special features of Checked Out flag:
The document will still be marked as Checked Out in the target file cabinet, and it will still have the original user ID, in order that the document remains checked out for that user. However, if this user does not exist in the target system or has no rights to the target file cabinet, only the file cabinet owner will be able to access the document.