
Your Autoindex job has become stuck in a "Running" status, and you cannot stop or delete the job.

***Before proceeding, please make a backup of the DWSystem database.***

Please implement the following to resolve this behavior;

  1. Find the process GUID by name in the DWOrganizationSettings table in the DWSystem database. In this case, the Autoindex job name is "New autoindex configuration"

  2. Find the workflow status with the same process GUID in the DWWorkflowStatus table within the DWSystem database.
  3. Open the Status XML Field Viewer in the 'status' column and check the state value. If the state is "Running," it should be replaced with "Stopped". The whole XML must be updated.

  4. Copy the existing status XML from the Field Viewer and execute the "UPDATE" command by replacing only the state to "Stopped". Write the correct "WHERE" clause to update only the needed row using the process GUID.
    Note: Please ensure that the UPDATE query includes the values shown from your system.

    UPDATE dwsystem.dwworkflowstatus
    SET status = <AutoIndexStatus version="" wfGuid="839b9f28-4ce0-4c09-846a-ef7edad6b5fe" lastUpdateTime="2019-02-22T09:41:47" setID="45" paused="false" state="Stopped"><ExportFileStatus ></ExportFileStatus ></AutoIndexStatus>
     WHERE guide = '839b9f28-4ce0-4c09-846a-ef7edad6b5fe'

  5. Use that same GUID to execute the following query:
    Note: Please replace guid according to what is shown in your DocuWare environment.

    update `dwsystem`.`DWBPSOrgMonitoring` set workstate = 2 where processGuid = '

  6. Execute the query. The Autoindex job will now no longer be stuck in a "Running" state, and you will be able to delete it if needed.

For organizations that utilize MSSQL, follow KBA-36266

KBA is applicable for On-premise Organizations ONLY