Publicado Wed, 02 Aug 2023 15:12:15 GMT por Mike Remore ATS1
If I don't remember to save constantly when I am working on a complex form,  I will be unable to save and get the attached error:

"The modified settings are currently locked by another user or location. Please restart DocuWare Administration."

This is happening on my test site that no one else has access to, and to customer site that are active. Is there a reason this is happening? It is very frustrating when editing a large number of fields and then loosing all of my work. I try to remember to save often, but I am sometimes "on a roll" and forget.

Thanks, Mike
Publicado Thu, 03 Aug 2023 12:28:24 GMT por Frank Meyer Docuplan GmbH & Co. KG | IT-Leiter
Hi Mike,

I know this behaviour as well from doing any configuration in the web config (e.g. archive configuration).

My "solution" is the same as yours, I have to remember to save constantly when I am doing any configuration, to avoid doing it twice...
From my point of view, I can confirm that it is related to complex configuration changes, and not to any time out.

I hope, this information is helpful for the DocuWare Support Team.

Best regards,

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