Publicado Tue, 17 Jul 2018 09:56:58 GMT por Jan Picht Technical Consultant


Is there a report anywhere to see the up- and downtime of the DocuWare Cloud (EMEA) over a period of time? I just can't find it...



Publicado Tue, 17 Jul 2018 12:12:38 GMT por Mathias Schroll Solution Engineer

Hello Jan,

the general availability of the cloud system can be seen here:

if there are issues where many customers are affected the there is a forum post written. Please have a look here:




Publicado Wed, 18 Jul 2018 10:27:27 GMT por Gilles Sauvagnat Altexence

Dear Mathias

Your first link provide more or less a general realtime information

The second link provide information on some major breakdowns or information on planned maintenance.

I am still looking for a real and complete dashboard with history and containing all problems (major and minor)  per organization.

Best regards


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