Publicado Thu, 21 Nov 2019 22:20:01 GMT por Jon Weston File IT Solutions Sr Application Developer and RIM specialist
Can anyone provide sample C# code for transferring a document from a file cabinet to a document tray? I've found sample code for transferring from tray to cabinet and cabinet to cabinet but not cabinet to tray.

And if I can do this, will the document retain it's index data?
Publicado Mon, 02 Dec 2019 13:53:37 GMT por Florian Mittermeier DocuWare GmbH Software Engineer

In the following link you'll see how to transfer an document from document tray to an file cabinet.

Technical the document tray is an file cabinet.
So you must change the direction of transfer to send a document from the file cabinet to a document tray.
But attention use the right document tray for the document with the same data structure.
You can see the relation under {your docuware server adress like}/DocuWare/Platform/FileCabinets
where an document tray has AssignedCabinetId what is the Id of the connected file cabinet.

The inedx data will be preserved.

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