Publicado Fri, 03 Aug 2018 18:14:08 GMT por David Blake Ricoh USA Sr. Solution Integrator

Any experience out there with installing On-Prem DocuWare on Amazon Web Services (AWS) servers?  What was your experience?  Any drop in perfomance?  Gotchas?

Publicado Sat, 04 Aug 2018 06:05:38 GMT por Mehdi Farokhi

Hi David,

Which version of AWS you work on it? Did you installed AWS or you just need to now which version of AWS sould to install?


Publicado Mon, 18 Feb 2019 18:34:00 GMT por RW TEAL Architect

Did not see any answers to the folks above in regards to the topic. I am also wanting to implement Docuware version 7 in Amazon AWS cloud. From looking at the DW version 7 white papers, I understand it is 3 tiered architecture etc. but I wanted to start to understand the components needed in the AWS platform for this exercise.  EC2(windows IIS), S3, MySQL, EMC Centera etc.  Does anyone have any experience or tips for moving from an on premise to AWS?  I do know docuware has a cloud offering also, but really need to do some research and proof it out on AWS and asking this community before starting.  Thank you in advance!

Publicado Tue, 18 Aug 2020 02:34:25 GMT por Matt Ryan Company Director
Also looking for tips and hints on this as a potential offering for a large opportunity.
All guidance welcome
Publicado Thu, 20 Aug 2020 13:24:48 GMT por Craig Heintz SE
From the Requires page on the Help web site.  FYI

"Amazon Web Services (AWS) are not supported for running DocuWare, neither for servers nor for clients."

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