
Sometimes the DocuWare Printer doesn't do what you expected. A manual reinstall of the DocuWare Printer driver will help sometimes.

Please go step by step through the following procedure described below. Wait for the PopUp message which tells you if the (un-) installation was successful. If it was not successful after the first time then please try it again because sometimes another process is accessing the driver files - in some cases you need to try several times.


  1. Run the file "C:\Program Files (x86)\DocuWare\Desktop\DocuWare.Printer.Setup.exe" as administrator
    For DocuWare Version 6 - 6.6 run the PDFPrinter Driver Setup.exe as administrator
  2. Select „No
  3. Wait for the popup to appear
  4. Make sure that every component has been installed correctly


  1. Run the file "C:\Program Files (x86)\DocuWare\Desktop\DocuWare.Printer.Setup.exe" as administrator
    For DocuWare Version 6 - 6.6 run the PDFPrinter Driver Setup.exe as administrator
  2. Select „Yes
  3. Wait for the popup to appear
  4. Make sure that every component has been installed correctly

If there are some problem try to restart the Windows Printer Spooler (net stop/start spooler) or reboot the machine.