Publié il y a 6 ans par Edward Clarke Community Service Partners Director of Information Technology
I want to setup a notification for a few people about new invoices in the system.  I am basing it on "Status" and "Vendor" - I don't see the option in the Notificaton settings to say "Status=New" AND "Vendor=A OR Vendor=B"

Do I have to set this up for each vendor?
Publié il y a 6 ans par Phil Robson DocuWare Corporation Senior Director Professional Services, Americas
The notifications configuration does not provide an AND / OR mix. It is either AND or OR so yes, you will need a notification configuration for each vendor if you need to be that specific.

Phil Robson
Senior Director Client Services, Americas
Publié il y a 6 ans par Edward Clarke Community Service Partners Director of Information Technology
I have 4 people who have different vendors they approve invoices for.  

Publié il y a 6 ans par Josef Zayats
what you can do is use general search syntax in the VendorName field to list multiple Vendors separated by OR. The your rule for notification will look like this:

AND     Status    Equals     New
             Vendor   Equals      VendorA OR VendorB OR VendorC etc.

This should work.
Though if you have an AutoIndex module I suggest you add a FC field  (APuser) and populate this field based on VendorName using AIX external database. This way you need just a single Notification configuration for all the AP with subscriber based on the new field.
Publié il y a 6 ans par Edward Clarke Community Service Partners Director of Information Technology
Hi Josef,

I do have AuotIndex but not sure what you mean by a FC field (APUser).  Is there an kb on this?

Publié il y a 6 ans par Matthew Trembly Software Support Manager
Edward, does this customer have access to Workflow Manager?  If so, you can configure more complex email notification workflows in it.
Publié il y a 6 ans par Casey Miller Director of Technical Services
Edward, what josef is saying is to just create a new field within the file cabinet your are using for notification and call it say APuser or UserNotify. Then just have that field filled in with the users name or username that should be notified. Then in the notification you can just say if the Field = APuser/UserNotify then send the notification.
Publié il y a 6 ans par Edward Clarke Community Service Partners Director of Information Technology
Oh Ok - we don't have workflow manager.  This is my one rule and I'm just wondering if there are too many conditions?

Vendor = A Better Door & Dock Services OR A Better Door & Window OR ABERON CONSTRUCTION CO. OR Ace Hardware OR Advanced Disposal Services OR Albert Brother's Inc. OR Aleck Plumbing OR Ambrosino's Italian Market & Deli OR Ameren Illinois OR American Environmental Waste Company OR American Pest Control Inc. OR AMPEST Exterminating & Wildlife Control OR Anderson Elevator Co OR Ants Pest Control Service OR ARAB Termite & Pest Control OR Atteberry & Marshall Heating & Air OR Ben's Lawn Care OR Bill Spencer Htg. & Air OR BRILLIANT PROMOS OR By Design Landscape OR Camfield Family Plumbing, Inc OR Central IL Home Inspection Service, Inc. OR Central Illinois Appliance Repair OR Charleston Water Department OR Chris Moran OR City of Country Club Hills OR CliftonLarsonAllen OR Colley Elevator Co OR Color Your World, Ltd OR Community Service Partners, Inc. OR CONNOR FOSTER LAND SURVEYING OR Consolidated Communications OR Cook County Clerk OR Costello Wholesale Floor Co OR CR Neff Plumbing, Heating & AC LLC OR CTF Illinois OR CULLIGAN WATER CONDITIONING OR D.E.W. Plumbing OR De Re TIre & Auto OR Dillon Maintenance Inc. OR Donor Perfect OR Effective Signs OR Elmer & Son Locksmiths, INC OR Eltron, Inc OR Enterprise Fleet Management OR Epoch Property Inspectios, Inc OR Ernie's Glass OR Eternally Green Lawn Care Inc. OR Evergreen Mechanical OR Fairway Recognition OR Fire Equipment Services and Sales, Inc OR FIRE PROTECTION COMPANY OR First Midwest Banks OR Frankfort Fire Protection District OR Friends and Family OR Getz Fire Equipment OR GORDON APPRAISAL SERVICE OR Grainger OR Green Promoting OR Guardian-Appleton OR Illiana Lawn Irrigation OR Illinois Charity Bureau Fund OR Illinois Office of the State Fire Marshal OR Illinois Partners for Human Service OR Illinois Secretary Of State{Auto Vehicle OR Illinois Tollway OR Image 360 OR Internal Revenue Service OR John Hancock Life Insurance Company OR JP Morgan Chase Bank OR JVD Sports OR Kirchner Building Centers OR Kitchens Baths & More OR Knights of Columbus 4698 OR KONE Inc. OR KristinZKreations OR Lagestee-Mulder, Inc. OR Lancaster Bingo Company OR Las Fuentes Association OR LD Mechanical Contractors Inc OR Leadz Networkers OR Lorenz Supply Company OR M & G Graphics, Inc. OR M&S Pest Control Inc OR McQuellon's Appliance Company OR Midlothian Country Club OR Midwest Softwash OR Miles McBride OR Mueller Roofing OR Park Ace Hardware OR Party Linens, LLC OR Perma Graphic Printers Inc OR Perma-Seal OR Pest Pro & Turf Solutions Inc OR Philadelphia Insurance Companies - OR Phillips Interiors OR Phoenix Fire Systems Inc OR Postmaster Of Tinley Park OR Precise Tree Care OR Proshred OR Proven Business System OR Red Hawk Fire & Security OR Reifsteck Reid & Company Architects OR Ridge Plumbing OR Robert J. Huguelet, Jr. OR Royse's Plumbing, Heating and AC OR Ruff, Freud, Breems & Nelson, Ltd. OR Sam's Club OR Schrey Systems OR Scott Overhead Door, Inc. OR Secretary of State.. OR Security Unlimited Inc OR Service Experts OR Seyfarth Shaw LLP OR Shady Oaks Camp OR Smithereen Pest Management Services OR Stuard & Associates, Inc. OR Superior Mowing OR T&H TIMING LLC OR T&L Lawncare and Landscaping OR TERMINIX INTERNATIONAL OR The Gorman Group OR The Hartford Group, Inc. OR The Hot Corner OR THE SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO OR The Village of Tinley Park OR Thompson Elevator Inspection Service Inc. OR TIAA BANK OR Todays Conferencing, Inc. OR UCP Seguin of Greater Chicago OR United Health Care OR Van Bruggen Signs Inc. OR Verizon OR Village Center Business Condo Assoc OR Village of Flossmoor OR Village of Frankfort OR VILLAGE OF HAZEL CREST OR Village of Homewood OR Village of Orland Hills OR Village of Orland Park OR Village of South Holland OR Village Of Tinley Park (deleted) OR Vital Lawncare and Landscape, Inc. OR VSP OR Ward Contracting & Building Restoration OR WEX BANK OR Whitney Roofing OR Will County Collector OR Williams Rental OR Willow Brook Community Assoc, Inc OR Woodmac Industries

I tried it with "Vendor = " and I listed 3 names and it triggers.  Or is it because of the single quotes and the "&" sign?

<event timestamp="2019-06-27T13:12:15.9237624-05:00" level="Error" logger="DocuWare.EventTrigger.Producer.EmailProducer" SequenceID="28" Thread="25" DomainName="CSP" WindowsUserName="administrator"><message>Problems with rule 11efc4c1-b20d-4b8c-a5d5-b8ee17be8038 for file cabinet [CSF_Fina from organization 40ea4089-5606-4cb2-9097-b80804240e1b]! VENDOR = A Better Door &amp; Dock Services OR A Better Door &amp; Window OR ABERON CONSTRUCTION CO. OR Ace Hardware OR Advanced Disposal Services OR Albert Brother's Inc. OR Aleck Plumbing OR Ambrosino's Italian Market &amp; Deli OR Ameren Illinois OR American Environmental Waste Company OR American Pest Control Inc. OR AMPEST Exterminating &amp; Wildlife Control OR Anderson Elevator Co OR Ants Pest Control Service OR ARAB Termite &amp; Pest Control OR Atteberry &amp; Marshall Heating &amp; Air OR Ben's Lawn Care OR Bill Spencer Htg. &amp; Air OR BRILLIANT PROMOS OR By Design Landscape OR Camfield Family Plumbing, Inc OR Central IL Home Inspection Service, Inc. OR Central Illinois Appliance Repair OR Charleston Water Department OR Chris Moran OR City of Country Club Hills OR CliftonLarsonAllen OR Colley Elevator Co OR Color Your World, Ltd OR Community Service Partners, Inc. OR CONNOR FOSTER LAND SURVEYING OR Consolidated Communications OR Cook County Clerk OR Costello Wholesale Floor Co OR CR Neff Plumbing, Heating &amp; AC LLC OR CTF Illinois OR CULLIGAN WATER CONDITIONING OR D.E.W. Plumbing OR De Re TIre &amp; Auto OR Dillon Maintenance Inc. OR Donor Perfect OR Effective Signs OR Elmer &amp; Son Locksmiths, INC OR Eltron, Inc OR Enterprise Fleet Management OR Epoch Property Inspectios, Inc OR Ernie's Glass OR Eternally Green Lawn Care Inc. OR Evergreen Mechanical OR Fairway Recognition OR Fire Equipment Services and Sales, Inc OR FIRE PROTECTION COMPANY OR First Midwest Banks OR Frankfort Fire Protection District OR Friends and Family OR Getz Fire Equipment OR GORDON APPRAISAL SERVICE OR Grainger OR Green Promoting OR Guardian-Appleton OR Illiana Lawn Irrigation OR Illinois Charity Bureau Fund OR Illinois Office of the State Fire Marshal OR Illinois Partners for Human Service OR Illinois Secretary Of State{Auto Vehicle OR Illinois Tollway OR Image 360 OR Internal Revenue Service OR John Hancock Life Insurance Company OR JP Morgan Chase Bank OR JVD Sports OR Kirchner Building Centers OR Kitchens Baths &amp; More OR Knights of Columbus 4698 OR KONE Inc. OR KristinZKreations OR Lagestee-Mulder, Inc. OR Lancaster Bingo Company OR Las Fuentes Association OR LD Mechanical Contractors Inc OR Leadz Networkers OR Lorenz Supply Company OR M &amp; G Graphics, Inc. OR M&amp;S Pest Control Inc OR McQuellon's Appliance Company OR Midlothian Country Club OR Midwest Softwash OR Miles McBride OR Mueller Roofing OR Park Ace Hardware OR Party Linens, LLC OR Perma Graphic Printers Inc OR Perma-Seal OR Pest Pro &amp; Turf Solutions Inc OR Philadelphia Insurance Companies - OR Phillips Interiors OR Phoenix Fire Systems Inc OR Postmaster Of Tinley Park OR Precise Tree Care OR Proshred OR Proven Business System OR Red Hawk Fire &amp; Security OR Reifsteck Reid &amp; Company Architects OR Ridge Plumbing OR Robert J. Huguelet, Jr. OR Royse's Plumbing, Heating and AC OR Ruff, Freud, Breems &amp; Nelson, Ltd. OR Sam's Club OR Schrey Systems OR Scott Overhead Door, Inc. OR Secretary of State.. OR Security Unlimited Inc OR Service Experts OR Seyfarth Shaw LLP OR Shady Oaks Camp OR Smithereen Pest Management Services OR Stuard &amp; Associates, Inc. OR Superior Mowing OR T&amp;H TIMING LLC OR T&amp;L Lawncare and Landscaping OR TERMINIX INTERNATIONAL OR The Gorman Group OR The Hartford Group, Inc. OR The Hot Corner OR THE SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO OR The Village of Tinley Park OR Thompson Elevator Inspection Service Inc. OR TIAA BANK OR Todays Conferencing, Inc. OR UCP Seguin of Greater Chicago OR United Health Care OR Van Bruggen Signs Inc. OR Verizon OR Village Center Business Condo Assoc OR Village of Flossmoor OR Village of Frankfort OR VILLAGE OF HAZEL CREST OR Village of Homewood OR Village of Orland Hills OR Village of Orland Park OR Village of South Holland OR Village Of Tinley Park (deleted) OR Vital Lawncare and Landscape, Inc. OR VSP OR Ward Contracting &amp; Building Restoration OR WEX BANK OR Whitney Roofing OR Will County Collector OR Williams Rental OR Willow Brook Community Assoc, Inc OR Woodmac Industries</message><exception>DocuWare.Common.Exceptions.DWException: Problems with rule 11efc4c1-b20d-4b8c-a5d5-b8ee17be8038 for file cabinet [CSF_Fina from organization 40ea4089-5606-4cb2-9097-b80804240e1b]! VENDOR = A Better Door &amp; Dock Services OR A Better Door &amp; Window OR ABERON CONSTRUCTION CO. OR Ace Hardware OR Advanced Disposal Services OR Albert Brother's Inc. OR Aleck Plumbing OR Ambrosino's Italian Market &amp; Deli OR Ameren Illinois OR American Environmental Waste Company OR American Pest Control Inc. OR AMPEST Exterminating &amp; Wildlife Control OR Anderson Elevator Co OR Ants Pest Control Service OR ARAB Termite &amp; Pest Control OR Atteberry &amp; Marshall Heating &amp; Air OR Ben's Lawn Care OR Bill Spencer Htg. &amp; Air OR BRILLIANT PROMOS OR By Design Landscape OR Camfield Family Plumbing, Inc OR Central IL Home Inspection Service, Inc. OR Central Illinois Appliance Repair OR Charleston Water Department OR Chris Moran OR City of Country Club Hills OR CliftonLarsonAllen OR Colley Elevator Co OR Color Your World, Ltd OR Community Service Partners, Inc. OR CONNOR FOSTER LAND SURVEYING OR Consolidated Communications OR Cook County Clerk OR Costello Wholesale Floor Co OR CR Neff Plumbing, Heating &amp; AC LLC OR CTF Illinois OR CULLIGAN WATER CONDITIONING OR D.E.W. Plumbing OR De Re TIre &amp; Auto OR Dillon Maintenance Inc. OR Donor Perfect OR Effective Signs OR Elmer &amp; Son Locksmiths, INC OR Eltron, Inc OR Enterprise Fleet Management OR Epoch Property Inspectios, Inc OR Ernie's Glass OR Eternally Green Lawn Care Inc. OR Evergreen Mechanical OR Fairway Recognition OR Fire Equipment Services and Sales, Inc OR FIRE PROTECTION COMPANY OR First Midwest Banks OR Frankfort Fire Protection District OR Friends and Family OR Getz Fire Equipment OR GORDON APPRAISAL SERVICE OR Grainger OR Green Promoting OR Guardian-Appleton OR Illiana Lawn Irrigation OR Illinois Charity Bureau Fund OR Illinois Office of the State Fire Marshal OR Illinois Partners for Human Service OR Illinois Secretary Of State{Auto Vehicle OR Illinois Tollway OR Image 360 OR Internal Revenue Service OR John Hancock Life Insurance Company OR JP Morgan Chase Bank OR JVD Sports OR Kirchner Building Centers OR Kitchens Baths &amp; More OR Knights of Columbus 4698 OR KONE Inc. OR KristinZKreations OR Lagestee-Mulder, Inc. OR Lancaster Bingo Company OR Las Fuentes Association OR LD Mechanical Contractors Inc OR Leadz Networkers OR Lorenz Supply Company OR M &amp; G Graphics, Inc. OR M&amp;S Pest Control Inc OR McQuellon's Appliance Company OR Midlothian Country Club OR Midwest Softwash OR Miles McBride OR Mueller Roofing OR Park Ace Hardware OR Party Linens, LLC OR Perma Graphic Printers Inc OR Perma-Seal OR Pest Pro &amp; Turf Solutions Inc OR Philadelphia Insurance Companies - OR Phillips Interiors OR Phoenix Fire Systems Inc OR Postmaster Of Tinley Park OR Precise Tree Care OR Proshred OR Proven Business System OR Red Hawk Fire &amp; Security OR Reifsteck Reid &amp; Company Architects OR Ridge Plumbing OR Robert J. Huguelet, Jr. OR Royse's Plumbing, Heating and AC OR Ruff, Freud, Breems &amp; Nelson, Ltd. OR Sam's Club OR Schrey Systems OR Scott Overhead Door, Inc. OR Secretary of State.. OR Security Unlimited Inc OR Service Experts OR Seyfarth Shaw LLP OR Shady Oaks Camp OR Smithereen Pest Management Services OR Stuard &amp; Associates, Inc. OR Superior Mowing OR T&amp;H TIMING LLC OR T&amp;L Lawncare and Landscaping OR TERMINIX INTERNATIONAL OR The Gorman Group OR The Hartford Group, Inc. OR The Hot Corner OR THE SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO OR The Village of Tinley Park OR Thompson Elevator Inspection Service Inc. OR TIAA BANK OR Todays Conferencing, Inc. OR UCP Seguin of Greater Chicago OR United Health Care OR Van Bruggen Signs Inc. OR Verizon OR Village Center Business Condo Assoc OR Village of Flossmoor OR Village of Frankfort OR VILLAGE OF HAZEL CREST OR Village of Homewood OR Village of Orland Hills OR Village of Orland Park OR Village of South Holland OR Village Of Tinley Park (deleted) OR Vital Lawncare and Landscape, Inc. OR VSP OR Ward Contracting &amp; Building Restoration OR WEX BANK OR Whitney Roofing OR Will County Collector OR Williams Rental OR Willow Brook Community Assoc, Inc OR Woodmac Industries ---&gt; DocuWare.Common.Parsers.WrongConditionException: Wrong condition!
    Field : VENDOR
    Value : = A Better Door &amp; Dock Services OR A Better Door &amp; Window OR ABERON CONSTRUCTION CO. OR Ace Hardware OR Advanced Disposal Services OR Albert Brother's Inc. OR Aleck Plumbing OR Ambrosino's Italian Market &amp; Deli OR Ameren Illinois OR American Environmental Waste Company OR American Pest Control Inc. OR AMPEST Exterminating &amp; Wildlife Control OR Anderson Elevator Co OR Ants Pest Control Service OR ARAB Termite &amp; Pest Control OR Atteberry &amp; Marshall Heating &amp; Air OR Ben's Lawn Care OR Bill Spencer Htg. &amp; Air OR BRILLIANT PROMOS OR By Design Landscape OR Camfield Family Plumbing, Inc OR Central IL Home Inspection Service, Inc. OR Central Illinois Appliance Repair OR Charleston Water Department OR Chris Moran OR City of Country Club Hills OR CliftonLarsonAllen OR Colley Elevator Co OR Color Your World, Ltd OR Community Service Partners, Inc. OR CONNOR FOSTER LAND SURVEYING OR Consolidated Communications OR Cook County Clerk OR Costello Wholesale Floor Co OR CR Neff Plumbing, Heating &amp; AC LLC OR CTF Illinois OR CULLIGAN WATER CONDITIONING OR D.E.W. Plumbing OR De Re TIre &amp; Auto OR Dillon Maintenance Inc. OR Donor Perfect OR Effective Signs OR Elmer &amp; Son Locksmiths, INC OR Eltron, Inc OR Enterprise Fleet Management OR Epoch Property Inspectios, Inc OR Ernie's Glass OR Eternally Green Lawn Care Inc. OR Evergreen Mechanical OR Fairway Recognition OR Fire Equipment Services and Sales, Inc OR FIRE PROTECTION COMPANY OR First Midwest Banks OR Frankfort Fire Protection District OR Friends and Family OR Getz Fire Equipment OR GORDON APPRAISAL SERVICE OR Grainger OR Green Promoting OR Guardian-Appleton OR Illiana Lawn Irrigation OR Illinois Charity Bureau Fund OR Illinois Office of the State Fire Marshal OR Illinois Partners for Human Service OR Illinois Secretary Of State{Auto Vehicle OR Illinois Tollway OR Image 360 OR Internal Revenue Service OR John Hancock Life Insurance Company OR JP Morgan Chase Bank OR JVD Sports OR Kirchner Building Centers OR Kitchens Baths &amp; More OR Knights of Columbus 4698 OR KONE Inc. OR KristinZKreations OR Lagestee-Mulder, Inc. OR Lancaster Bingo Company OR Las Fuentes Association OR LD Mechanical Contractors Inc OR Leadz Networkers OR Lorenz Supply Company OR M &amp; G Graphics, Inc. OR M&amp;S Pest Control Inc OR McQuellon's Appliance Company OR Midlothian Country Club OR Midwest Softwash OR Miles McBride OR Mueller Roofing OR Park Ace Hardware OR Party Linens, LLC OR Perma Graphic Printers Inc OR Perma-Seal OR Pest Pro &amp; Turf Solutions Inc OR Philadelphia Insurance Companies - OR Phillips Interiors OR Phoenix Fire Systems Inc OR Postmaster Of Tinley Park OR Precise Tree Care OR Proshred OR Proven Business System OR Red Hawk Fire &amp; Security OR Reifsteck Reid &amp; Company Architects OR Ridge Plumbing OR Robert J. Huguelet, Jr. OR Royse's Plumbing, Heating and AC OR Ruff, Freud, Breems &amp; Nelson, Ltd. OR Sam's Club OR Schrey Systems OR Scott Overhead Door, Inc. OR Secretary of State.. OR Security Unlimited Inc OR Service Experts OR Seyfarth Shaw LLP OR Shady Oaks Camp OR Smithereen Pest Management Services OR Stuard &amp; Associates, Inc. OR Superior Mowing OR T&amp;H TIMING LLC OR T&amp;L Lawncare and Landscaping OR TERMINIX INTERNATIONAL OR The Gorman Group OR The Hartford Group, Inc. OR The Hot Corner OR THE SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO OR The Village of Tinley Park OR Thompson Elevator Inspection Service Inc. OR TIAA BANK OR Todays Conferencing, Inc. OR UCP Seguin of Greater Chicago OR United Health Care OR Van Bruggen Signs Inc. OR Verizon OR Village Center Business Condo Assoc OR Village of Flossmoor OR Village of Frankfort OR VILLAGE OF HAZEL CREST OR Village of Homewood OR Village of Orland Hills OR Village of Orland Park OR Village of South Holland OR Village Of Tinley Park (deleted) OR Vital Lawncare and Landscape, Inc. OR VSP OR Ward Contracting &amp; Building Restoration OR WEX BANK OR Whitney Roofing OR Will County Collector OR Williams Rental OR Willow Brook Community Assoc, Inc OR Woodmac Industries
   at DocuWare.Common.Parsers.SearchFDRParser.GetConditionFromFDRTerm(FDRTerm term, Boolean addWildcard)
   at DocuWare.Common.Parsers.SearchFDRParser.GetConditionFromFilter(SearchFilter filter)
   at DocuWare.Common.Parsers.SearchFDRParser.GetConditionsFromFilter(SearchFilter filter)
   at DocuWare.EventTrigger.Producer.EmailProducer.GetSearchFilterCondition(Guid ruleGuid, Guid organizationGuid, SimpleFilter simpleFilter, DataSet metadata, DataSet oldValues)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---</exception></event>

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