• RE: Creation of Dialog inside File cabinet programmatically

    Hi Antoni Danov,<br> if you are using folder views, you do not need to create one specific for every user, just use the field with the user name as on level and then you have a folder for this user.<br> <br> But this might be too much simplified as I do not know your exact use case.<br> <br> Regards<br> Tobias Getz<br> Team Leader Product Management<br> DocuWare GmbH
  • RE: Creation of Dialog inside File cabinet programmatically

    Hi Antoni Danov,<br> <br> unfortunatly there is no API for creating dialogs or change settings in file cabinets.<br> <br> But maybe you do not need a dialog for each user and it is sufficient to create one dialog, but have field dependent rights in the file cabinet, so each user does only see his own documents.&#160;<br> <br> This depends on your specific use case, so maybe you could tell us a bit more about it.<br> <br> Regards<br> Tobias Getz<br> Team Leader Product Management<br> DocuWare GmbH
  • RE: Unable to open Document Processing after implementing SSL and upgrade to 7.7

    Hi David Rutt,<br> <br> please create a support request for this issue, the forum will not help in those specific cases.<br> <br> Regards<br> Tobias Getz<br> Team Leader Product Management<br> DocuWare GmbH
  • RE: The encrypted documents

    Hi&#160;Jonas Katkevičius,&#160;<br> <br> the files are encrypted inside the file cabinet, if you want to have them unencrypted outside of Docuware you have to download them from DocuWare. Then the files are decrypted for the download.<br> <br> Regards<br> Tobias Getz<br> Team Leader Product Management<br> DocuWare GmbH<br> &#160;
  • RE: Store identical values in a list variable

    Hi Jalila Manal,<br> <br> a keyword field can always have single values, it is not like an ordered lists. If you want individual entries for lines, than you could think about solving this with a table as index fields. This way you can even calculate inside the table and maybe then you even maybe can prevent to add a loop. So the &quot;Amount&quot; column would be filled by a calculation if the column &quot;New Client&quot; is &quot;Yes&quot;.<br> <br> But this advice is very general without actually knowing the specific use case.<br> <br> Regards<br> Tobias Getz<br> Team Leader Product Management<br> DocuWare GmbH
  • RE: AutoNumber header is not found

    Hi Mayra Rossi,<br> <br> this is not a normal behavior, please create a support request for this issue.<br> <br> Regards<br> Tobias Getz<br> Team Leader Product Management<br> DocuWare GmbH
  • RE: Do form links expire?

    Hi&#160;Alexander Rodriguez Tenorio,<br> <br> unfortunatly an expiration time can be configured. A new link will only be created, if you rename the form.<br> <br> Regards<br> Tobias Getz<br> Team Leader Product Management<br> DocuWare GmbH
  • RE: Use Docuware Forms without create a PDF

    Hi Mayra Rossi,<br> <br> there is currently no possibility inside DocuWare to delete a single file from a document. This must either be done manually by copying the document to a document tray, unclipping it and storing the attachment again.<br> <br> Or you need some application developed solely for this purpose using the DocuWare REST API.<br> <br> Regards<br> Tobias Getz<br> Team Leader Product Management<br> DocuWare GmbH
  • RE: Field delimiter in old export tool

    Hi Thomas Guichard,<br> <br> you could also create new lines in DocuWare Export. If this does not help, we would need more information on your exact use case.<br> <br> <img src="https://attachments.office.net/owa/Tobias.Getz%40docuware.com/service.svc/s/GetAttachmentThumbnail?id=AAMkAGRlMDEzOTY1LWYxNWItNDdkMi04YWMyLTZiZGE3NWE2MGE3MwBGAAAAAADqoa3SCjLTEZ3ZCAAJ%2Bu97BwA9TY24lDDTEZ3SCAAJ%2Bu97AAAAAGgXAAAeIEqnVBEGRICQC9on/v7IAAkV1MJOAAABEgAQAI7PaqhKBc1FijZKb1XQvh8%3D&amp;thumbnailType=2&amp;token=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IkQ4OThGN0RDMjk2ODQ1MDk1RUUwREZGQ0MzODBBOTM5NjUwNDNFNjQiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJ4NXQiOiIySmozM0Nsb1JRbGU0Tl84dzRDcE9XVUVQbVEifQ.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.llx9UgGDW0IQFiWPjtuC8xD1iYvnmg1OLCrxl8ge5_bFUY4WQ3CP5wcI78CeTUCSoxTr3Al6eAIXgIH3EeUxsgb9qGCT1QPNXRM5VFJNOsyCXMtJQQRxc7Crk8EkeWQIL7qDaURPhobEvkDNpuqRtgQ-3Hh-RWq3d0VorhuzI8dXtB75y5p5Q4jTrMGFrj0GxM2Ko9PsMIaYvDCQEx705XlkW0mUHhPOuYleuxIfKEt8VO8ZPbqIiBnRm-QDm3v_6cSO-YFLe5f4zQU25fKgnB6Z9b2z0BzTsF4n_HPgQw5UCzkzqSgzBsMgLgypDYLlWdnELSO-SnH67uOXkh6ANw&amp;X-OWA-CANARY=8HX9HrDCWECNB_8nwSPtWAAUaFPUPNsY42HCNo2NHrnl004ejJNXsXri1NCchu1Ow_7pq1r5P9A.&amp;owa=outlook.office.com&amp;scriptVer=20230331005.06&amp;animation=true"><br> <br> Regards<br> Tobias Getz<br> Team Leader Product Management<br> DocuWare GmbH
  • RE: Document relation 1 - N

    Hi Mayra Rossi, Frederic Lambrecht,<br> <br> sorry for the late answer and for beeing not precise enough.<br> <br> One of the text fields has to be a keyword field. And it should be the field, which could contain multiple entries.<br> If you use a keyword field, than the different entries&#160;&quot;10004,10340,10005&quot; need to be as single entries in the keyword field. This means, that you might need to change, how the documents are stored<br> <br> Regards<br> Tobias Getz<br> Team Leader Product Management<br> DocuWare GmbH