• RE: Document relation 1 - N

    Hi Mayra Rossi, Frederic Lambrecht,<br> <br> sorry for the late answer and for beeing not precise enough.<br> <br> One of the text fields has to be a keyword field. And it should be the field, which could contain multiple entries.<br> If you use a keyword field, than the different entries&#160;&quot;10004,10340,10005&quot; need to be as single entries in the keyword field. This means, that you might need to change, how the documents are stored<br> <br> Regards<br> Tobias Getz<br> Team Leader Product Management<br> DocuWare GmbH
  • RE: Feldmaske in einem Ablagedialog konfigurieren

    Hallo Benjamin Nünning,<br> <br> Feldmasken können in allen Dialogtypen konfiguriert werden und sollten dann auch dort zur Ausführung kommen. Ich habe das gerade kurz durchgespielt und mein Ablagedialog hat die Feldmaske angezeigt und dann auch die Ablage verhindert.<br> <br> Falls das bei Ihnen nicht der Fall sein sollte, wenden Sie sich doch bitte an den DocuWare Support oder den DocuWare Partner.<br> <br> Viele Grüße<br> <br> Tobias Getz<br> Team Leader Product Management<br> DocuWare GmbH
  • RE: Docuware 7.2 to 7.6 update

    Hi Toni Graham,<br> <br> I think the best would be to contact your DocuWare partner or DocuWare Support / Professional Services involved, but I can give you some hints about it. Generally, updates from 7.2 should be straight forward, but as always you should have a good working backup before trying a change.<br> <br> 1) From 7.2 to 7.6 you can go in one step. This is also documented here:&#160;<a href="http://help.docuware.com/#/home/87143/1/1">http://help.docuware.com/#/home/87143/1/1</a>&#160;<br> &#160; <p><span style="font-size:11pt;"><span style="font-family:Calibri,sans-serif;">2) This can be found in the system requirements:&#160;<a href="https://help.docuware.com/#/home/55049/1/1">https://help.docuware.com/#/home/55049/1/1</a>&#160;</span></span></p> <br> 3) This is, if you have changed and DocuWare config file manually. This is sometimes advised by DocuWare support in special cases. If you have never changed a config file manual, than you do not have to worry about it.<br> <br> 4) Yes, license files are version dependent. If you have a running support contract, you can get a new license file. A new license file can be created by your DocuWare Partner or DocuWare Support.<br> <br> Why are you considering version 7.6 and not the most recent version 7.7?<br> <br> --<br> Tobias Getz<br> Team Leader Product Management | DocuWare GmbH
  • RE: DocuWare integration with Microsoft Power Apps

    Hello Pedro,

    oAuth2 is in the pipeline, so in the future, this should work better.

    If you are adding a DocuWare Cloud organization into the mix, that will make everything much easier. As I mentioned before, we are developing an connector for Power Automate and this could then probably be used also from the Power App platform.
    or the specific question, yes, you could create URLs to your on-premises system from Power Apps and let users then click the links to open the result.

    My mentioning of Webhooks was more for the idea, if you would like to send information from DocuWare to the Power App, maybe to update some status in the app or something similar. I think this depends heavily on what kind of functionality the Power App should provide.

    Tobias Getz
    Team Leader Product Management
    DocuWare GmbH
  • RE: Possibility to store forms without trays

    Hi Mayra Rossi,<br> <br> yes, this is possible, Forms are created and directly stored to a file cabinet, there is no document tray involved.<br> <br> --<br> Tobias Getz<br> Team Leader Product Management | DocuWare GmbH
  • RE: converting text based documents to PDF using DocuWare Import-1523056364

    Hi Markus Kober,<br> <br> you need some piece of software which parses the txt files for the values and then stores the document with these values as index entries to DocuWare.<br> <br> If you are using a DocuWare Cloud organization you could do this with an iPaaS platform (e.g. Make.com) easily. If you are able to develop, you could also create a small application/service which does this. This could then be used on premises and Cloud.<br> <br> Another option would be to import the txt files just by their file name and have the index values in a separate database/csv-file and use Autoindex to add these index entries after storage.<br> <br> --<br> Tobias Getz<br> Team Leader Product Management | DocuWare GmbH
  • RE: Einspaltige Auswahllisten absteigend/aufsteigend sortieren

    Hallo Erich Gegenschatz,<br> <br> es gibt keine Option zur Sortierung von Auswahllisten, diese werden immer aufsteigend sortiert.<br> <br> --<br> Tobias Getz<br> Team Leader Product Management | DocuWare GmbH
  • RE: Moving Active Instances to Newer Workflow Version

    Hello Saleem,<br> <br> there is no better way currently. A new version of a workflow could potentially be completly different than the previous version, there might be new variables needed, new activities added before, so there is no way of stating again at the same place in a new workflow version.<br> <br> Regards<br> Tobias Getz<br> Team Leader Product Management
  • RE: Multiple date formats in a single store dialog

    Hi Jeff,<br> <br> internally DocuWare always stores date in the same format, only the representation is defined on UI level. So every user can decide, in which format he/she wants to see the date. This setting is then also applied to stamps.<br> <br> Additionally there is a default setting for the whole organization, this is e.g. used if an email is sent out which includes a date. I think in your case it would be beneficial to use a date format which is recognized in both countries (e.g. YYYY-MM-DD).<br> <br> Depending on the type of documents there are also different options to recognize the date on the document.<br> <br> Regards<br> Tobias Getz
  • RE: DocuWare integration with Microsoft Power Apps

    Hi Pedro,

    we have looked into this recently, and it is currently not possible to directly address the DocuWare REST API from the Power Platform. This is mostly due to the authentication at DocuWare which is currently based on cookies. For the Power Platform there is the need for oAuth 2 Authentication, but oAuth is not yet available for the DocuWare API.

    Additionally you have to make the DocuWare On-Premises system open to the Internet to be able to communicate with it. All of this drives us to creating a connector on Power Automate for DocuWare Cloud only.

    So, I think there should be some kind of different integration, maybe you can create index files using DocuWare Control (https://support.docuware.com/de-de/knowledgebase/article/KBA-36502) and save them on some folder which is synced locally and then DocuWare Import imports these documents. Also you could use Webhooks to send information from DocuWare to a webhook on the Power Platform and process it there. Maybe also an integration with AutoIndex will work. And maybe you will be able to use the API once DocuWare has oAuth 2 enabled, but this needs to be developed first.


    Tobias Getz
    Team Leader Product Management
    DocuWare GmbH

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